small time save
4 years ago

hi i've been theorizing this for quite a bit and i've finally managed to pull it off. it's basically setting up the very second spike enemy thingy whatever offscreen. it could potentially save 1 second if optimized correctly, and while i know that this game is basically dead i think that there's still much to be discovered.

Fimvisible y RoHiSakk les gusta esto

Hey! Im probably the only survivor that still pays attention to the leaderboard. First of all, thanks for putting effort on looking new strats!

You're right, there a lot of optimizing and to be discovered but I stopped mainly because I was alone in this. I optimized a couple of things and put them on the guide setion (General stuff and strats), but aside of that, i didn't report everything that I look for on IL.

This strats should be huge if it get consistent. MSF relies on saving even miliseconds so everything like this is great to know. Even know is hard for me to realize any strat that involves manip off-screen, but is totally possible.

woobyy les gusta esto

i could prooooooooooobably start running it in the near future but i dont really know, cause i dont really feel motivated enough to do it lol maybe once im done with celeste im gonna try it out

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