Can you add a WIP/ANY % Options?
6 years ago
Missouri, USA

I speedrun this game as a Any%, and have a speedrun I'm wanting to publish on here that's a WIP speedrun.

United States

all of the levels are unlocked from the start and there is really no ending cutscene. can you define what the any% category is? the any% category in the original meat boy is essentially to skip levels and get to the credits, so i'm just not sure what you mean. but if it is a legitimate category, i'll add it to the leaderboards. also not sure what you mean by "WIP" speedrun. if it's a segmented run, runs should be done single segment

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Missouri, USA

What I mean by ANY% is that I start the run at the first stage of the map pack then play through to the end whie skipping some stages, this is what I'm doing on the WIP speedrun, except I end it not at the end of the game because it's mainly showing what I did so far and will soon do a run with the rest of it.

United States

since there's really no end to the game, i don't see how it's any%, hence why there is no category for it. from what i gather, this category is essentially just beating some levels? not sure how good of a category that would be, but feel free to post your progress on the forums or something

Missouri, USA


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