Regarding Veman
7 years ago
Tennessee, USA

Being the mods of a game should not mean that one should have the ability to be morality police on an issue that has long ago passed. If Veman gets a run without cheating in any way, then his time should be included, or the leaderboard is completely invalidating itself by not counting legitimate runs.

This just makes the community look incredibly petty from an outsider's perspective.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Duckstroyer les gusta esto
Utah, USA

Personality is irrelevant. Whatever drama he stirred is irrelevant. It's a leaderboard that displays and ranks times. He technically never cheated, as ISO loader was legal back then. Therefore he should be allowed to submit now, provided he has video proof.

Colorado, USA

God this is getting messy.

Okay, I understand he was a shitty person, I get that, I think that's clear at this point.

But does being a shitty person make it so you can't show someone your times? Its not like he's going to negatively affect the community by simply uploading times to a leaderboard.

As Jcool said, it just makes the leaderboards less accurate. Take Paper Mario at the moment, its a mess, there was a controversy and people took their times off, now the leaderboard is inaccurate.

I dunno, do as you guys see fit, but I think that the accuracy of a leaderboard is more important than holding spite for past actions, seriously, just be the better guy in the situation, forgiveness is a virtue.

Georgia, USA

It was only legal through his manipulation. If he hadn't had done that, it wouldn't have been legal in the first place.

Colorado, USA

But why does the manipulation matter now?

RespectAPA put it better than I ever could "This just makes the community look incredibly petty from an outsider's perspective."

Its not about policing ethics, its about policing the runs.

Utah, USA

If someone were smart enough to time the difference for themselves, instead of being ignorant and taking someone's word for it (when there is no evidence to support it) then it wouldn't have been legal, either. Seems to me that nobody made the effort to prove that it was faster to cause the ban of ISO loading, so Veman used it because it was legal. Regardless of whether or not he knew it was faster, or even if he told people it wasn't, it was still legal at the time and was therefore not cheating.

Florida, USA

Posted an edit on the first post <3

Colorado, USA

Lmfao the argument to ban Veman obviously has no basis. The people who have something against the guy personally are the only ones who are rallying to ban him. As EVERYONE KEEPS STATING, manipulating is not cheating. Just a few people who are fucking butthurt and want the guy to pay a price for it. Whatever penalty he should have gotten should have been dealt with years ago, it's a dead issue that's only exploded from the hate of a few select people

California, USA

If anything what he did is comparable to sabotaging the boards, creating truly inaccurate times through lies and deceit. Undermining the integrity of the game for his own advantage. If you think something like this would fly in say, a business or sport, you're truly mistaken.

RoseFielden y HDlax les gusta esto
Wyoming, USA

Alright, I can't stand this, Not me, I never liked seeing conflict, and I never will, so here I am to try to step in

I've never heard of these "frenzies" you've mentioned of Veman, granted, I only started in this community in late 2015, just before his original retirement, with the SGDQ VOD. So that, I have no words for, and I can't make any statements on it.

But in terms of this cheating you keep bringing up, Yes, it is in the past, and yes, he may have never apologized over it. Now, let's me propose a scenario about this, and hopefully, we can all put it to rest.

Say, he came out, and made a statement, formally apologizing to Bonesaw, Skozzy and anyone else he may/has attacked in the past, never does it again, follows all the rules, brings up potential unfair advantages, etc. Would then, in that case, would you be willing to set it all behind and allow him back?

I don't want to think he's a bad person, from what I've seen from him, and maybe it is just me, and he could be. But hey, even the worst of people could change, and if he comes forward about it, would you allow him a second chance?

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Georgia, USA

If that's the case, then why isn't MonadoPurge's times back on the boards? He apologized, and no one acknowledges that.

California, USA

Brony correct me if I'm wrong, but you've only watched his streams, right? Since I've never interacted with him personally, I'll instead bring up the thoughts of people I thoroughly trust. They say that he wears a facade on stream, playing the victim of circumstance while not addressing that there was ever a problem, when as you have read time and time again there was.

Colorado, USA

Cause MonadoPurge actually cheated lmfao

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Jcool114 les gusta esto
Colorado, USA

Also Bluehits as soon as you said "Victim of Circumstance" I knew skozzy is the one who's been feeding you shit. And also he's the one who apparently rallied up this entire situation. He's more manipulative than anyone else in the community.

California, USA

Look how many people agreed with him, obviously he's onto something.

California, USA

Listen Snap, I wasn't there, so clearly I don't have the entire story. However I've listened to multiple people from both sides extensively, and have compiled my thoughts based on logic and reason, not the war of perception.

Colorado, USA

Because he's MANIPULATIVE. c'mon man you're a nice guy don't get sucked into his shit. Why do you think I've completely cut contact with that lunatic. He riled up a bunch of people neutral on the issue and convinced him to fight his fight for him. This whole thing is fucking ridiculous. Skozzy tried to be friends with Veman after the whole fiasco and was rejected. Skozzy is an insecure asshole who only looks out for HIS best interests...

Wyoming, USA

I'm not gonna say what Blue, Nor Snap said is wrong, i even said, he may very well be the bad person, I don't want to see him as.

However, My point still stands, if he apologizes, and starts to follow the rules, like he is supposed to, What then? You can't say he never apologized anymore.

If it were up to me, what i'd say is, wait to see if he does it, and if it seems sincere, then allow him, and if it looks/feels half-assed, then keep him banned.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
California, USA

Oh nice, so manipulation is your argument FOR someone who is manipulative?

California, USA

I've added my thoughts, the rest lies with the mods

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