7 years ago
New Brunswick, Canada

hey, I was just wondering if one of the mods could post how good a run needs to be to require a video. I just want to know because atm I cant record my gameplay. So I dont want to submit something and get it rejected. Thanks :)

United States

If it's 1:05 or better, you're gonna need video proof. I know I may not be a mod, but I know what I'm talking about lol ;)

Dark3xile les gusta esto
New Brunswick, Canada

thats for the main categories though, I would also like to know for the key runs

Florida, USA

The key runs are kind of vague, there's no real set rule. Just don't beat the WR with no video. Or like, top 3 depending on the category....? Or just don't submit to arbitrary categories ;). If it actually becomes an issue we'll establish some rules.

Massachusetts, USA

Like, if we're being real, the key categories really don't mean much of anything, and times without videos mean absolutely nothing lol. Don't worry about submitting to obscure categories if you don't have a way to record proof, imo

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