New Moderators
7 years ago
Florida, USA

So clearly the leaderboard is down a few mods due to either inactivity or other reasons. There was some talk in Discord, and I agree that we should add Michael, Zircon, and Rhombus as mods to the leaderboard. Any objections?

California, USA

I don't object to anyone personally, but is there truly a need for more mods? Nimbus and HD are very active as it is.

Wyoming, USA

I don't think there's any issue with any of those choices

Minnesota, USA

I see nothing wrong with the proposed people. All are active and care about the game. I think adding all three would be fine!

the_ivo_robotnic y A2Rhombus les gusta esto
New Brunswick, Canada

I'd personally say no to all of them, for pretty different reasons, but it's not a strong opposition or anything, I wouldn't really care if any of them got it too much, since pretty much all mods are needed for are to verify runs, and I'd say they're all at least capable of doing that, probably, so it'd work out anyway.

Florida, USA

Part of the reason I've been thinking about it is Skozzy was one who verified things fast. Beyond that, it's no secret that I work a lot and am usually not the first to get to verifying a run. A lot of people like instant gratification on getting a run verified, and that's why I brought this up.

California, USA

If that's the case, I think Zircon would be a fine replacement. He's very active and considering both Nimbus and HD verify within an hour or two anyway, adding one would be just fine. Edit: Nothing against the other two, but I feel adding any more is unnecessary and I think most would agree Zircon is the most suited for it.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
the_ivo_robotnic y A2Rhombus les gusta esto

Just make everyone a mod tbh

Florida, USA

Since there seems to be little objection, and truly more neutrality I'm gonna go ahead and put this in place.


I have no objections to it.

I think Zircon will make a good mod.

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