Any% Mia-less full route
Any% Mia-less full route
Actualizado 6 years ago por FX

Video of the full route being played through:

For specific questions you can contact me on Discord: Fx#8773

Any% Mia-less:

4 copies

Set Flint.

Vault: Grab Nut grab Mint

Bandits: Flint – Flare - Ray(R) Atk(L) - Def - Ray Venus – Def - Ray Def - Def - Ray Get Water of Life. Soft recovery reset. Leave vault as lady moves to the right.


Goma Soft Reset after Whirlwind 2ac 0ac Retreat Warp (soft Reset) 1ac

Forge: Flint – Def - Ray 1ac Venus – Atk - Ray Def - Def - Ray

Bilibin shop: Sell Bandit Sword, Water of Life

IG armor V robe IGV gloves IGV wooden cap Broad Sword G

Get Gust, hard recovery reset, exit Bilibin as fast as possible. Barricade Wedge on top right corner of crate. Face left. Move + Down input same frame.

step-MR in the overworld. Standby Flint.


Venus (L) - Mars (C) - Jupiter (C) 1ac Cure - Flare - Def Bramble Seed

Tag Kolima Forest Cure IG Get Granite soft sanctum reset. hard reset in Overworld.

Dirge/Mole Atk (R) - Fire (L) - Gust (R) Def - Def - Ray (L) Bramble Seed

After Barricade: Step-Mint I Give Flint G 1ac 2ac 1ac

Bilibin Cave Entrance: Cure All Grab Elven Rapier DON’T CANCEL ANIMATION Move

2ac Jupiter (L) - Venus (C) - Ray (C) 2ac 0ac 0ac (tight)

Imil Grab Lucky Coin (Top Left Gravestone) Talk to little girl Grab Fever Mia cutscene

Mercury Trade Fever-Flint Set Fever Cure G

Lizard Fighter: EQ - Fever - Def
Def - Def - Ray

Cure All Top Right Corner, retreat warp (hard reset) – Up+Right

Hallway: Trade Flint-Gust Standby Flint, Forge Set Fever Equip Rapier (I) SAVE IN NEW SLOT

Triple Siren: Gust (L) - Fire (C) - Ray (L) 2AC Mars(C) - Fever (R) - Ray (C) Enter Sleet's room (WITHOUT STEP) Set All Cure with V (4th row of tiles = Interact range) 7 PP BEFORE STARTING FIGHT

Sleet: Gust - Fire - Flash Bolt Atk - Fever - Bolt

Set Gust Retreat

Aerie Grab Psystone Menu: Standby All Trade Granite-Fever, Fever-Flint, Sleet-Forge Cure All Set Gust & Sleet Give CP(G), 2BS(V), 5Herb(V)

Saturos: WATCH DELUSION Ramses - Kirin - bs Gust - Sleet - Herb Flint - Gran - Herb Heat Flash on Ivan=Nut Ramses - Herb - Herb Cure(I) - Herb(G) - Herb(I or V) Flint - Gran - Herb Ramses - cp - Mercury Def - Def - bs

Hermes Water

(No Delusion Fade / Late Delusion Fade | BRN 2828740724) Soft reset in overworld
0ac 1ac 0ac 0ac 2ac Bilibin overworld Caught by surprise 1ac (rat/rat, Def/Atk I 3dmg) 1ac No Step-MR

(Delusion Fade | BRN 3430701024) Soft reset in overworld
0ac 1ac 0ac 0ac 2ac Bilibin overworld 1ac step-MR Caught by surprise 0ac (Rat, Atk G 1dmg) 0ac

Kolima Forest Battles RNG

First branch: Stop on the second notch. Get encounter. Menu: Cure All Trade Flint-Fever Standby All, Set Fever Growth x 4

Retreat Warp (Hard Reset) (tap Right hold Down+Left)

Stand at sprouting branch 0BRN Breeze: Fever - Kirin - Ramses Def - Def - Atk

Cast Move Retreat Warp (Hard Reset) Up until flash Menu: Standby All Give Breeze(V) Forge(G) Set Gust Down+Right

Tret: Gust - Kirin - Ray Ramses - Flare Wall - Atalanta Fever - Flare Wall - Ray(If V health < 40, Herb) Def - Def - Ray

Don't talk to Tret, use Hermes' Water directly. Retreat out.

Kolima Overworld: Hard Reset outside Kolima Forest 0ac 0ac 0ac

Fuchin Temple R3 Menu: Standby all Cure All Set Fever Give Forge(I), Gust(V) Trade Sleet-Flint, Set Flint

Retreat Warp, top right door.

Zephyr: Fever - Flint - Atalanta Ramses - Def - Kirin

Menu: Set Zephyr Retreat

Mogall Forest 2nd room just before warp zone, Retreat (Hard Reset). Right (0.5s) Down

GRN 270 Tight movement NO STEP, STEP=RIP - Move 2ac -Wait next room for fight- 0ac

Menu before Quartz: Growth Standby all Set Fever

Quartz: Fever - Kirin - Procne 0ac 1ac Grab Elven Shirt Exit room Soft Reset NO STEP - Move Wait for first encounter 0ac 3ac 0ac

Menu: Equip Elven Shirt (V) Standby All Trade Forge-Flint & Zephyr-Sleet Cure GV Set Fever

Killer Ape: Fever - Kirin - Procne Ramses - Venus - Plasma Fever - Volcano - Plasma Def - Mars - Plasma

1ac 2ac Standby all Set Sleet

Corona: Sleet - Ramses - Procne 2ac Def - Def - Plasma 1ac

Altin ICG - Soft Reset Standby All Trade Flint-Forge Cure GV

Living Statue: Ramses - Tiamat - Procne Def - Def - Ray

Soft Recovery Reset Head for xian (GRN 248) After Alpine Crossing: step-Menu: Give Vial(V), Potion(V) Give+Equip Frost Jewel(G) Equip Douse Drop (I) Cast MR 2ac

xian Get Mist

xian Overworld: NO STEP - Growth(G) no encounters

Altin: Hard Recovery Reset 0ac Second notch Menu: Trade Gust-Fever, Gust-Flint, Mist-Breeze, Mist-Corona, Give Quartz(V) Set All Ply All

Retreat Warp Hard Reset load Mercury Music Starts = Soft Reset Load Altin

Hold Up+Left until screen starts moving Up+Right until I appears, then Up 1ac Up until second Bass Cycle Up+Right - Second long note Up+Left - Third long note Up+Right

Lama Temple: Hard Recovery Reset after Hama. Down+Left (1s), Down.

Lamakan Desert: [1] 2Rat Grub (1) 2Orc (1) SalaGrub (0) Orc¤ (2ac) [Move] Rat 2Orc or Grub Sala = 5ac + x3 Frost

[2] 2Bee 2Orc (5) Bee Orc (7), 2Bee (0) Grub (1) Grub Bee (11), Orc 2Bee (9), [x2 move]

R2: Soft Reset Left Right until Encounter 3ac, Exit and re-enter Frost Get Smog, then Up+Left, Left, Up+Left, Left

[3] Salamander (0), 2Orc(0), Bee2Grub (7), 2GrubSala (2), 2OrcBee (3) GrubSala (6), Orc2Bee (6) [Nothing after]

One step left (stand underneath Rock) Ply All Retreat Warp (Hard Reset)

Menu: Use Psy Crystal (I) Standby Flint, Forge, Gust, Breeze, Smog (IN THAT ORDER)

Manticore: Ramses - Granite - Zephyr Cure Poison - Volcano - Thor 1ac Flint - Granite - Potion(G) Ply(V) - Gust - Corona 2ac Ramses - Breeze - Vial(V) 2ac Ply(I) - Smog - Zephyr Def - Def - Thor

Soft reset in cave Kalay Overworld: Second Djinn recovers: Ply All Standby All

Vine: 1acNereid - Tiamat - Procne 0ac

Kalay If Saturos Nut used: Grab Vial Scorch > Soft Recovery Reset

Ship Ply All Standby All

Fight1: Def - Def - Thor Fight2: Def - Def - Meteor Fight3: Def - Def - Judgement

Recover Djinn Standby All Trade Gust-Forge Double Tap Breeze Set Mist & Fever Hard Reset top left(Face Up) Hold Right

Kraken: Mist - Tiamat - Thor Cure Well - Mars - Fever Gust - Smog - Zephyr Judgement - Def - Procne

Tolbi Start, Hard Reset Immediately toss

Tolbi Overworld Set Sleet, Cure Poison 1ac

On Bridge: Trade Sleet-Quartz Standby Fever & Corona

Hail: 1ac Atk - Def - Impact(V) 1ac Grab Ground

Overworld No step - MR MR 0ac

Altmiller (tight movement) R1: 2ac R2: 0ac (Get encounter before leaving) R4: 3ac R5: 4ac

Squall: 1ac Atk - Granite - Plasma Step on stones before going down

R6: Caught by surprise 1ac R7: 3ac 4ac No Step-Move

Green-Red RNG Control Draught, Retreat

R1: 0ac, 1ac R3: 6ac, Move

Soft Recovery Reset


Menu: Trade Mist-Scorch Squall-Gust

Azart: Get Oil Drop Standby All, Set Scorch & Squall Def - Scorch - Oil Drop - Judgement

Satrage: Standby All, Set Vine, Scorch & Squall Vine - Scorch - Judgement - Squall - Flint - Jupiter

Navampa: Set Scorch Atk - Atk

Hard Recovery Reset 4ac

After Bridge - Step Growth 0ac

Suhalla Desert R1: Elven Shirt (I)

3ac Atk - Granite - Def - Def

Remove Elven Shirt 1ac Atk - Set Granite - Slash - Atk Growth Move

R2: 5ac

Equip Elven Shirt 2ac Def - Granite - Def - Atk

2ac Standby All Set Fever & Corona

Flash: Judgement(control) - Def - Thor - Def Early Harridan2Orc 1ac Hard Reset 0ac Early 2Harridan 2ac Hard Reset 0ac Late Encounter Hard Reset 0ac

Overworld Hard Reset Move

Suhalla Gate

3rd slide Elven Shirt (V) Frost Jewel (I) Set All

Dew: Def - Granite - Atk - Atk

Venus LH 1 Set quickcast Reveal RNG Control Carry Stone, Equip (G) Spam Reveal = Win Retreat out after Blue

Just before Lalivero Standby All Cure IV Cure Well IGV Frost x 4 (5PP when entering!)

Lalivero Shop: Sell Everything Except Nut, Sell Wooden Caps GV Mirrored Shield (I) Jeweled Crown (V) Spirit Bracelet (V) Knight's Helm (IG) Get Torch, Hard Recovery Reset.

Babi Lighthouse R2: Set Granite Frost - Move R1: Retreat Warp R3: Retreat Warp

Luff: 1ac Judgement - Def – Boreas(control) - Def

Venus LH 2 R1: Hard Reset Savecrawl the LH R3: Standby All, Frost x 2, Retreat R5: hard reset before R6 R9: Get Dragon Scales, exit, Hard Reset

Aerie Menu: Hover on Ivan Input L>R (Doubles Garet)

Elven Shirt V>I Dragon Scales I>G Equip Gaia Blade Give Nut (G)

Set All Trade: Gust-Dew, Forge-Flash, Fever-Ground Quartz-Smog, Quartz-Sleet, Hail-Breeze

Standby: Sleet-Mist-Hail Smog-Squall-Flint Quartz-Luff


S&M: Granite - Judgement(control)(M) - Ground(M) - Neptune(M) Flash - Gust(S) - Zephyr - Def Granite - Flint(S) - Thor(M) - Set Flash Flash - Vine - Breeze - Set Granite

Granite - Judgement(control)(S) - Ground(S) - Set Flash Flash - Smog(S) - Luff(S) - Wish 3ac Set Flash - Squall(S) - Thor(M) - Def Flash - Flint - Quartz - Wish Set Flash - Gust - Def - Def

FD Granite - Judgement - Ground - Nut(I) Flash - Vine - Luff - Mars Granite - Flint - Zephyr - Wish Flash - Judgement - Ground - Mars

Wish - Def - Def - Def Granite - Vine - Thor - Ply Well Flash - Smog - Breeze - Wish Set Flash - Flint - Ground - Ply Well

Flash - Gust - Zephyr - Def Def - Judgement - Thor - Def

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