Wishing I had more time in the day
6 years ago
Georgia, USA

Because i got a group project due tomorrow but I want to start my first play through of a game that I'm looking into speedrunning.

To those who have school and jobs that take up most of your time, how much of your freetime do you actually dedicate to speedrunning?

ROMaster2 les gusta esto

Being single with no kids with no real intent to ever have any definitely helps. Usually if I am short on time, I work on short runs, but I usually only stream longer stuff on the weekend and the occasional free night.

JayJane4 les gusta esto
Georgia, USA

all the games I keep finding myself interested in are all longer games. XD but if i do get into a shorter one, that advice will definitely help!!

NihilistComedyHour les gusta esto

Try a couple Atari 2600 games. Sometimes I'll take like 3 minutes to do a run on Decathlon or something short if I'm just stuck waiting for something for like 10 minutes.

United States

Even when I had free time I started taking on too many projects at once and end up not doing most of them FeelsBadMan


Fulltime job Committed relationship Moderator duties in multiple games

I seriously envy those who have no commitments and are able to just spend as much time as they want on speedrunning.

My ranks are slipping from where they used to be, and the only reason I can't maintain them or stay on top is because I just cannot put the hours in. I still enjoy speedrunning a lot and consider it my primary recreational hobby, but I often wish there was actual money in it.

HowDenKing les gusta esto
Texas, USA

Someone once told me that there's no such thing as not having enough time for something, but it's all about priorities. It might help to do a time audit on yourself and see just how much time you're actually spending on everything in your life. I do it from time to time and kind of surprise myself on how different my actual schedule is from what I thought it was or want it to be.

Worst case scenario- if you can't cut time on any task- try to mix two together. My first speedruns were done from a laptop squished in with other commuters on the light rail to and from work. Keep an open mind; a little creativity can go a long way!

Editado por el autor 6 years ago

^ Your point is only valid if your objective in speedrunning is to just have a good time.

If you're someone hunting for WRs, especially in competitive and relatively optimised games, having hours upon hours to practice is NOT optional.

Texas, USA

My point is how important is it to you? Is it more important than what you're currently spending your time on? If so, then replace what is less important to you with what is more important to you. It doesn't just apply to speedrunning; it applies to anything. Everyone has the same amount of time in a day. If having hours upon hours to practice is necessary, then pull things that are unnecessary out of your schedule until you have room for it.