Share your positive moments: Aug 13th-19th
6 years ago
Georgia, USA

So since I joined SRC forums 6 days ago, I've read alot of negativity displayed on the boards, negativity and drama. I read back about a month or so on each of the general boards except introductions(which seems abundantly positive). By no means was it exclusively negative, but there's been more of it than there has any right to be.

So I'd like to start a weekly post on Saturdays where people can share positive moments they've had in the past week and just feel good about speedrunning. There is always a silver lining when you search hard enough. Feel free to post anything positive that's happened for you. (relevance to speedrunning not needed)

Mine is:

I've started routing the first game I want to speedrun (Ballad of Solar) and I've already found a time saving glitch! Woohoo!

Oxknifer les gusta esto
Texas, USA

Not very speedrunning related, but as of yesterday, I'm one month drug-free, so I'm kinda proud of that. It's not something I've really told anyone because I'm kinda sorta slightly ashamed of it and it's really ¤my¤ battle to fight at the end of the day, but Washington's a tough place to live for addicts. It was actually part of the reason I started doing this, because I used to play these games while drugged up, but I can't play them like this without being focused and in top shape.

I like math; always have. Delving into routing / economics & resource juggling / efficiency calculations helps keep my brain occupied when I might otherwise be too bored to keep the temptations at bay, so I really do have you guys to thank for being an awesome community and being there for me, helping even though you didn't know you were helping. So yeah. Thanks n stuff.

Quivico, Crockey y 11 otros les gusta esto
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

I mean it's a lovely idea but pls don't do a new thread every week. That will quickly overwhelm the board.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

@oddtom congratulations on fighting that addiction! I guess 1 month is quite an important threshold you are surpassing! May I know which kind of drug? Opiate kind of things are the first thing which comes into my mind to the term 'drug addiction' but you still can be addicted of pretty much everything, it's just that some things are way harder to beat then others. I really hope you can keep this up and stay healthy from now on and be safe. :) SWIM is probably less biased than anyone else because SWIM tried different drugs aswell and is still doing so. However when something turns into an addiction it's clearly no fun anymore and you have to realise the danger which comes with it.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I believe and you and I'm happy that you are making the change right now, because it's a really tough fight. You can be proud of yourself and I hope you will be even prouder the longer you stay drug-free.

Have a nice day! :)


Or just add to this one which will revive the thread no need for a new thread when this one exists.

Granolant les gusta esto
Texas, USA

JayJane, thank you for posting this on the forum. You are absolutely right, there is too much negativity. My positive moment from this week was returning to college and starting classes! Loved seeing my friends as well.

I've also been invited to join the board of the gaming community at my college, with a focus in speedrunning! I plan on educating about speedrunning, encouraging gamers to run their favorite games, and hosting watch parties for speedrun streams. If anyone else is doing something similar at their school, hit me up!

Georgia, USA

Alright! It's Saturday morning! (barely. 11:34am here. XD)

I finally figured out the glitch for the game I'm trying to run and I think it will take alot of grinding to make it consistent (it's timing window is insane) but it exists!!! I finished my notes for my game and I'm hoping that by tweaking and refining them, I'll build up the endurance to do a full run of my game!

Oklahoma, USA

insert compilation of me raging here< OH, positivity sorry! Just the friends I've made in the past two years. This speedrunning community is really something you really made me feel welcome. It's like a big family, to be honest. Some of us don't really get a long here and there but for the most part, I've found we're all pretty close. It's just been a blast. I really hope to make many more friends here on

Of course, how can I forget our two year anniversary. Referring to my fiance of course. As I don't have much money I made her a video that didn't really come out too well. Hopefully, she enjoys it anyways though.

September 20th for anyone wondering. :P You'll be able to find it on my YouTube channel.

Texas, USA

I'm outside the window of time- I know- but something beautiful just happened to me, and I'd like to share it with anyone who could use some amusement. Fast forward to about 1:26~1:27 until the end (it's only about 3 minutes of gameplay, but it's a gem)

Oxknifer y JayJane4 les gusta esto
Georgia, USA

yay for chickens not dying young!

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Georgia, USA

WHOOPS! I missed my Saturday post!!!

Was busying doing my positive things!

  1. Watching my first GDQ marathon live
  2. finally got the confidence and technique down enough to do line art with my drawing tablet on PC. I'm so used to looking at the canvas with paper and pencil and when i drew on my ipad that the transition is tough. But I'm finally doing the line work for something i sketched up and planned out like months and months ago!
8bitOnigiri y Peacefroggie les gusta esto
United States

I like this thread :)

It's no longer Saturday, but I'll post my positive things FROM Saturday!

  1. PB'd by 7 minutes on my current running project.
  2. Somebody told me I have a good stream, lol. I've never been given that compliment before and it really made my day.
  3. I successfully wrote my first auto-splitter!

Combine these and the result was a very enjoyable weekend!

JayJane4 les gusta esto
Georgia, USA

Good morning Saturday!

With Irma, bearing down on Florida as I type, finding positive moments at times like this is important.

My mom's birthday is this weekend, and I'm visiting her for the party. I've submitted my senior design project proposal for college to design and build an acceleration feedback system for immersive VR. I got the new Mario x Rabbids game and can't wait to see the speed tech for it, but still am working my way through my first playthrough.

Hope everyone finds their positive moments this week!!

Casssss les gusta esto
Georgia, USA

Not even Saturday yet but I have to do this!

My game got added yesterday on my birthday! And I just finished and uploaded my first speedrun to the site!!!

Peacefroggie y HowDenKing les gusta esto

I found a skip in a game only I and one other dude runs but he is not part of It saves another minute or so off the run but I haven't recorded it yet.

JayJane4 les gusta esto
Georgia, USA

It's Saturday!!

So this week I started recording IL's for Ballad of Solar. Have 6 out of the 30 levels recorded and submitted. I keep finding funny things about the game, like that it actually has an IL-only strat that can save like 8 seconds per level. XD who'd have thunk there was tech like that for a time management game? Exciting!

I've also picked out 2 other games to start working up to running, Pokemon Crystal (though i'm doing it to run the poorly translated rom hack called Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal - it's hilarious) And also going to try to run the GBC version of Azure Dreams.

My idea for a Senior Capstone Design Project got approved! Just waiting to see if enough people are interested in it to make a team. It's essentially the idea of creating a more immersive VR experience in the case of traditional movement controls in a sit-down VR game by adding slight acceleration-based feedback onto your body. Should be really fun to work on!

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Georgia, USA

It's Saturday once again!

This week has been about small victories. Cooking delicious food that I'm proud of. Learning how to decompile roms. Finishing a cute little puzzle game with only 50 levels. Stuff like that. XD

Saw one of my friends at college last night and we discovered a Ramen shop close to campus! Truly a hole-in-the-wall, but the food was delicious! Will definitely be going back there again.

ConkyJoe89 les gusta esto
Texas, USA

Despite it being my all-time favorite game, I had never unlocked Tofu in Resident Evil 2 until about 2 weeks ago. I nearly cried (I'll admit it lol). I had been reading incorrect info regarding the criteria to unlock him for damn near TWO DECADES. So when I finally unlocked him I was able to finally notch it off my "Gaming Bucket List".

Also of note, I knocked a second RE-related challenge off my Gaming Bucket List within the next few days, when I beat Wesker's Battle Game in Code:Veronica X (first try might I add, and had to kill Alexia with the knife bc I missed a Magnum shot!!! Lol). I've never felt more accomplished as a gamer. It was truly reinvigorating after a bad year :)

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
JayJane4 les gusta esto

After 550 attempts got a sub 8 in Princess Rescue. Now I can finally go back to playing stuff worth streaming soon! Hoozah.

Zachoholic, ConkyJoe89, y JayJane4 les gusta esto
Georgia, USA

Sorry I missed a Saturday, I'll just do it late!!

So from Friday-Tuesday I was in New Orleans getting piss drunk with my mom in celebration of my 21st BD. So that was a huge positive thing.

But on the smaller side, my Embedded Systems Professor took interest in my reverse engineering of Azure Dream's GBC assembly code and gave me some tips to help me find the functions I'm looking for. I'm looking for things like the damage roll function and the item table to help route the game.

Apparently developing assemblers and disassemblers was a hobby for her at one point. So that was cool!! XD