Alternate time-changing method using PowerShell
Alternate time-changing method using PowerShell
Actualizado 3 years ago por Nat_the_Chicken

I can't figure out how to add this under Tools, so when I do I'll delete this guide. For now, download the zip from

This consists of three one-line PowerShell scripts with very short names, and instructions to set up Windows PowerShell to execute them. They do exactly the same things as Juikuen's .bat files and Johnden's .exe utility. But the exe is often flagged as a virus, and I'm hoping that these will be quicker to run for some people than the bats, especially since they have to be run as administrator. (My files are named with single numbers so they act a little like hotkeys in the PowerShell console.) Since they use the built-in Windows system, you hopefully won't have any (system-perceived) security issues.

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