Loading screens
4 years ago
United States

What’s the most effective timing for 3.0? In the rules it says you can pause the timer during loading screens but if I do that, how am I supposed to know what my time is with loading screens? Since it says in the rules that you have to state you’re time with loads as well in the description. For instance my PB is 1:17:29.9 for Twilight of the republic, but that includes loading screens.

peck324 les gusta esto
California, USA

Play your run like you casually do. Look at your recorded video every time you see a load screen have a stopwatch and write a list on how long the loading time took to load on each loading screen. Then calculate it with your run that includes loading time and you get your run that doesn't include loading time.

DerpyTails y Dilla les gusta esto
United States

Thanks a lot!

peck324 les gusta esto
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