How to set up LiveSplit on Mac ?
5 months ago

I found out about the mac version of livesplit, but while I can create and edit splits, I can't split while speedrunning Deltarune.

Can someone help me with this please ^^ ?


(I've already asked on r/speedrun, but no answers for now)

Chicago, IL, USA

Did you enable global hotkeys? Also what Mac version? Do you mean LiveSplit One? that needs you to be tabbed in to split

United States

Hello Guardian,

You can only use Livesplit One on Mac, and they do not support global hotkeys unfortunately. Mods can retime runs after submission, so you do not need to worry about that. I would just use one split for the entire run, if it is possible. if you have an Intel based Mac, you can bootcamp it (look it up) run Windows, and then you can use SURVEY_PROGRAM as well as classic Livesplit. (you can also use autosplitters which is a nice bonus!) I know from experience, because I use my 16" Macbook Pro 2019 to speedrun. (my windows laptop died) Hope this helps!


Editado por el autor 1 month ago
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