NG+ subcategories
3 years ago
Indiana, USA

Could we have things like ARB and 100% as subcategories for NG+?

It’s just a thought

Catsharked les gusta esto
Lorraine, France

i think ng+ is def an interesting category that needs more attention but theres not really a point in adding categories if no one is running them which seems to be the case afaik


i've been playing ng+ for like 2 months and found it very fun to play compared to any%, if ng+ gets more categories like arb or etc. i could do runs of it.

Catsharked, SpeedIn, y ThetristanBear les gusta esto

Honestly about NG+ I have only 1 big question. Why does the WR for NG+ is longer than the WR for Any% even though supposedly NG+ should be shorter than Any%

Catsharked les gusta esto

because there is no much interest in ng+ to get a low wr, not to much people run ng+ basically, but i think ng+ has the potential to get an easy 26

Catsharked y Eddiemate les gusta esto
United States

These category ideas sound like a blast! I might have to run them so that way they can become official :)

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Wave 2 of Category Extension Submissions

Hi there! Another wave of CE submissions has been processed. Runs of new categories will not be verified for 48 hours. If you'd like to submit more categories, here are the relevant links:

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