Eliminate categories (please read if possible)
2 months ago

Thank you for running this RTA.

We are looking to eliminate the 1,2 player ad glitch category due to a declining population.

We may keep it, but we wanted to simplify the rules as much as possible for new players and others, and encourage more people to run.

We would like to decide in a voting format. Like the comments below and I agree. If you disagree, please comment something.

There are currently 15 active users, so I will do this once we have about 6 votes. If there are a lot of people against it, we will see how it goes and think about it.

We will reclassify records that are currently in the 1 , 2 player ad glitch to any%, and we will discuss what to do about Marchingboy's records.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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