TimeSkip New Game Guide
TimeSkip New Game Guide
Updated 2 years ago by streetbackguy

This guide has been written to help newcomers see the route for TimeSkip and hopefully help with understanding the general route for New Game.

Remember: o Jumping is faster than running, so jump whenever not on a skateboard to get around faster o Shotgun swap is performed by pressing the following button combination on repeat: https://i.imgur.com/7Xjomd0.png

Prologue o Jump towards first door and enter. o Jump all the way down to the end of the Security Corridor o Jump towards the benches at the end and after triggering cutscene, jump towards Brian who is near the staircases. Grab the shotgun he drops when he dies, try not to get overwhelmed by zombies and go up the staircase to the right.

Case 1-1 o Jump towards vent end exit. On the roof, jump towards the elevator and call it then take it down to the warehouse. Jump through the warehouse towards the exit. Case 1-2 o Drop the handgun and go to the warehouse exit o Start jumping left after exiting and head towards the stairs. Be careful of zombies and head up stairs to the Sports Store. Grab two Skateboards from the rack in there then start skating towards the Colombian Roastmasters window opposite o Jump onto the awning below and position Frank facing the window that’s below you, press X/Square to start skateboarding. You should drop down and break the window. o Grab the Magazine directly in front of you as you enter, then skateboard towards the Leisure Park exit, and then from there skateboard almost in a straight line through the park to the Food Court. Skate into the crowd of zombies to reach the door, or skate through a gap in the crowd to the door if enough space. o After the cutscene, pick up the skateboard you drop, switch to Shotgun and aim up towards the balcony. Shoot Carlito as he runs across. If he hides behind a balcony bannister, aim carefully and try to hit his leg

Case 1-3 o Skateboard out the Food Court towards Al Fresca Plaza. o Skateboard to the fountain at the end, avoiding zombies where possible, Grab SMG from fountain in Al Fresca, then enter Entrance Plaza and trigger both cutscenes

Case 1-4 Non-BikeSkip Route o Skateboard out of the Entrance Plaza, through Al Fresca, Food Court, Leisure Park and Paradise Plaza to get back to the Warehouse and the security room.

BikeSkip Route o When you gain control of Frank, skate backwards towards the bench lying on the ground. If you don’t have Stock after levelling up, switch to a non-skateboard item in your inventory and pick up the bench. o Jump with the bench towards the Paradise Plaza entrance, to the right of the escalators, and drop the bench (LB/L1 or RB/R1) whilst facing to the side, once on the diamond tiled floor. o Skateboard back the way you came, picking up the item you dropped if you did, and skate towards the end of the plaza. At the end, enter the Outdoor Camping Store and hop on the Bicycle. o Tap RT and ride the bicycle to where you dropped the bench. Slowly ride the bike over the top of the bench’s back, tap RT for a second then after hold RT to build up speed for 3 – 5 seconds. o Once speed has built up, hold the left joystick either all the way left or right. You should be flung into the air over the shutter and if lucky, land straight in the loading zone. If not, bicycle/skate back to the shutter to enter the loading zone. o If you fall out of bounds doing this trick, you will have to restart the run by quitting to the Main Menu o If all successful, just enter Warehouse and go back to the security room

Case 2-2 o Exit through the Warehouse and skateboard to the Entrance Plaza to the left. After cutscene, skateboard up the stairs behind you, and follow the floor around to the Sports Store. o Get off your skateboard at the corner out of Carlito’s line of sight, equip the SMG and run slightly out towards him. If it looks like he’s about to shoot, you can jump left/right to avoid the shot if timed right o When shooting the SMG, tap X/Sqaure and do not hold it down. This will almost stunlock Carlito and be easier to kill him o If you didn’t pick up an SMG earlier, you can use a Hockey Stick from the Sports Store instead. Go inside the Store, grab the Hock Stick from the wall on the right and exit. Hide behind the pillar opposite the Sports Store. Hold RT to aim the Hockey Stick and aim at Carlito, press X/Square to hit pucks at him until he’s defeated.

Case 2-3 o Skate out the Warehouse and out to Leisure Park. After cutscene, skate left and then towards the convicts. They should get stuck behind the tree, and when that happens, use the SMG to aim and shoot at the gunner until he’s dead. If you didn’t pick up the SMG, you’ll have to use four shotgun blasts to the head. o Once the gunner is dead, move behind the convict passenger and grab the Heavy Machine Gun. Use it on the other two convicts before they drive away. Once they’re dead, jump in the vehicle and drive through the park, to the Parking Lot. In the Parking Lot, enter the Tunnels. o In the Tunnels, drive right and then take the first left. Take another right after and you’ll end up at a storage room door. Open it, and skateboard down to the end where you will pick up the Maintenance Key. Get back into the car, but be careful not to grab the Heavy Machine Gun by mistake o Drive back the way you came, but when you get back to the entrance, just drive straight on and round a left-bend. The first doorway you will see on the right will be where you need to go. Stop here and grab the Heavy Machine Gun from the back. Jump through the doorway and up the stairwell to reach the Supermarket. After you go through the door, jump to the left and exit to trigger a Psycho fight o As soon as the loading screen is finished, hold RT and move the cursor over Stephen’s head and fire the HMG at him. If done right he should die very quickly. If you miss, you can jump backwards and slightly hide around the end of the aisle, wait for Stephen to appear and then aim and shoot from there. o After the fight, skate behind you towards the doorway in the Meat and Fish area. Go through, and at the end of the corridor will be the Pharmacy. Pick up the First Aid Kit here. o Exit Pharmacy and go down the corridor, enter the exit to the tunnels. Make your way to the stairs, and jump over the railing to get down quicker. Skateboard towards the truck that’s through the doorway and drive it out of the tunnels. o Once in the parking lot again, park the truck next to the red convertible and swap to it. Drive back to Paradise Plaza and enter. Before entering the warehouse, grab the Magazine from the Bookstore opposite, from the third row of shelves on the left-hand side.

Case 4-2 o As soon as you exit the warehouse, you will be teleported to near the Leisure Park doors due to the Cults cutscene. Jump down-left and exit, then skateboard to the right and enter North Plaza. o Skateboard through to the end of North Plaza, avoiding zombies where possible, and enter the fight with Isabela. Switch to the Shotgun and pull of Shotgun Swap trick, which goes like this: o Shotgun swap is performed by pressing the following button combination on repeat: X/Square, LB/L1, RB/R1 o If Isabela starts looping around you, aim manually at her and try to shoot her. If she drives straight at you, stay in place and just jump over her.

Case 5-1 o Hop on the Motorcycle that’s now behind you and ride it to the store with Blue Tarps on both sides of the door. Enter. o If you have shotgun ammo left, just mash X/Square as soon as you skip the cutscene. If you have no shotgun ammo left after the Isabela fight, pick up the Nail Gun on the floor nearby and aim at the zombie to kill it.

Case 5-2 o Pick up Isabela and carry her back to the security room. As you exit through the first door, be careful of Kindell as he can shoot you. Stick to the right wall until you get to the Leisure Park exit. o If a zombie Swipes you, you will drop Isabela so be careful and try to go behind them where possible.

Case 7-2 o Leave the warehouse and skate left. Don’t go up the stairs, but continue on past to the left and you should come to the Toilets. At the end of the hallway is a Maintenance Tunnels door. Enter it. o Jump over the railing at the top of the staircase and go through the doorway. If you need health, there’s a cardboard box with Raw Meat inside it near the car, it will heal two blocks of health. o Jump into the car and follow these directions to get to each bomb: o First bomb, don’t take any turnings, just follow the road all the way to the end. o Second bomb, turn around, avoid Carlito and then take the first right turn. Follow the road straight after. o Third bomb, turn around and take the first left and then the first turning at the roundabout. o Fourth bomb, turn around and exit onto roundabout. Take the next turning on the roundabout. It will be down the next turn on the left, but it’s easier to exit this area by reversing down first. o Fifth bomb, turn left after the last bomb and just follow the road the whole way down, ignore the Tunnels Exit and keep going past that o Here is a handy map made by Sweed for a visual representation: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/198005957186420737/731968414649942046/Bomb_Collector_map.png o If you’ve done all of them with the white car on good health, drive it back towards the Tunnels Exit. If not, get into the Truck parked near by the last bomb and drive it out instead.

Case 8-1 o Make your way back to the security room

Case 8-2 o Exit through the Vent and talk to Isabela before skating over to the Elevator. Once she’s on the yellow markings outside, you can go down. o In the warehouse, press up on the Dpad to unequip and item and then hold X/Square to kick a nearby mannequin. Grab the torso and use it to hit any zombies in Isabela’s way. Once she is part the yellow markings on the way to the entrance, you can exit. o In Paradise Plaza, skate to the Sports Store and replace your skateboards with new ones. Then go to the stairwell next to the Sports Store, and on the landing wait for Isabela to make progress. This will despawn zombies in her path. After 8 seconds or so, you should be fine to make your way to Leisure Park o In Leisure Park, skate towards the Food Court and just before the fountain, turn right and start skating towards North Plaza, keeping on the outside of the park to despawn zombies. As soon as Isabela is within the tree’s shadow closest to the door, you can go through. o In North Plaza, start skating through to the end, avoiding zombies as you go, and get on the Motorcycle. Wait a few seconds, then start driving towards Isabela. Go down the passageway on the left, next to a dumpster, to get to the Hunting Shack. Inside, pick up two shotguns, then make your way over to Isabela o Inside the hideout, just jump towards Isabela

Case 8-3 o Make your way back to the security room.

Case 8-4 o After exiting the Warehouse, go through the same Maintenance Tunnel door as Bomb Collector (Case 7-2) and get in the car. Follow the road down, but take the third turn on the left. Follow this road down and as soon as it opens up to turn left or right, turn right and follow to the end. o You’ll see the Butcher’s doorway next to the Supermarket’s. Make sure before you enter, you have one of your two shotguns equipped. o When the fight starts, jump into the rows of hanging meat for cover. Then do the following Shotgun Swap combination: X/Square, LB, X/Square, RB, X/Square and repeat. The idea is to switch between your shotguns after each shot to cancel the reloading animation and quickly deal a lot of damage to the Butcher. The Home Stretch o Exit the Butchers area. Go through the Supermarket Doorway to your left and head up the stairs. Use any remaining Shotgun ammo to clear out zombies for safety. o Enter the supermarket and skate through to the doors. Exit and then get on the motorcycle nearby. Ride it back to the hideout and enter. o Now all that’s left to do after skipping a lot of cutscenes in a row is to skateboard back to the security room. There are no zombies alive so take your time. Time will end as soon as you enter the vent.