My any% route
My any% route
Aktualisiert 7 years ago von CardsOfTheHeart

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT A VERY NEWBIE-FRIENDLY ROUTE. This route relies on RNG manipulation. The RNG in this game is advanced by the NPCs' random movement, destroying monsters in battle and winning antes. The deck is arranged and sorted at particular points to rearrange where the RNG pulls the cards from. (The game pulls from specific deck slots and sorting the deck can change the cards in each slot.) The guides for each duel as well as the shop assume that your movement in the overworld is near perfect. There a few points when you will wait for certain NPC movement where you can try and "catch up" with the ideal RNG state, but for the most part you are screwed once you lose the proper RNG pattern. In fact, I would reset my runs when I lost it.

My best advice is to follow along with my record video and practice the movement. Do not be hesitant to ask me questions. To be honest, the route was only designed as an extension of ZanderGoth's route to see if it could be feasible on console. The record run as of the date of this guide was the first run in which I pretty much got it all right--save for the one at Kaiba Corp. That's a fickle manipulation as it is.

Oh, and protip: you can double-input directional inputs during a duel by pressing a button (A or B is the most convenient) immediately after the direction.

Can also be found in some form here:

Say NO (second option), Say MAYBE (second option) Attempt to duel all with R: wiggle UP RIGHT to Yugi, LEFT to Mai (wiggle DOWN LEFT), DOWN to Bonz (LEFT DOWN), LEFT to Weevil (DOWN LEFT), UP to Mako, RIGHT and DOWN to start DASH RIGHT and DOWN and duel guy at tables (HE NEEDS TO MOVE RIGHT A SECOND TIME OR YOUR OPENING HAND WILL BE SLOWER AND/OR UNPLAYABLE) Hand: Saber Slasher, Leo Wizard, The Wandering Doomed, Bolt Escargot, Dharma Cannon (first) Turn 1 – SET Dharma Cannon (5) Turn 3 – TRIBUTE Dharma Cannon for Saber Slasher (1) and ATTACK Turn 5 – SUMMON The Wandering Doomed (3) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST Turn 7 – SUMMON Muka Muka (1) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST Turn 9 – TRIBUTE The Wandering Doomed, ATTACK with Muka Muka, SUMMON Bolt Escargot (4) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST

Talk to guy to unlock Arkana duel (I mash A and B until I talk to him, then hold B and RIGHT and mash R to leave the screen running) UP, UP and wiggle LEFT (to avoid roadblock) to alley, duel TOP LEFT guy (they all have the same deck) Hand: Spear Cretin, Sand Stone, Hiro’s Shadow Scout, Swordsman from a Foreign Land, Dark Hole (first) Turn 1 – SUMMON Spear Cretin (1) Turn 3 – TRIBUTE Spear Cretin, use Dark Hole (5), SUMMON Saber Slasher (1) and ATTACK Turn 5 – SUMMON Hiro’s Shadow Scout (3) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST Turn 7 – ATTACK with Saber Slasher, TRIBUTE Hiro’s Shadow Scout for Sand Stone (2) and ATTACK Turn 9 – SUMMON Abyss Flower (2) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST Turn 11 – ATTACK with Saber Slasher, ATTACK with Sand Stone

UP and wiggle RIGHT to Bonz Hand: Frog the Jam, Wretched Ghost of the Attic, Pot of Greed, Hiro's Shadow Scout, Doron (first) Turn 1 – SUMMON Doron (5) and activate its EFFECT Turn 3 – SUMMON Frog the Jam (1) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST Turn 5 – ATTACK with Doron and TRIBUTE others for The Last Warrior from Another Planet (1) and ATTACK Turn 7 – ATTACK with Doron, ATTACK with Last Warrior Turn 9 – repeat

DOWN, wiggle RIGHT and DOWN to leave alley LEFT and wiggle DOWN to next screen DOWN below clock, LEFT to next screen, slightly UP and LEFT to leave RIGHT to Card Shop WALK UP to the door and WAIT for left NPC to move before DASHing in (Dashing right in gives you a slower duel in which you cannot build up your field for two turns) Downstairs (RIGHT AROUND COUNTER is easier, but slower) to Arkana ANTE SHADOW SPECTER Hand: The Unhappy Maiden, Morinphen, Little Chimera, Mooyan Curry, Dharma Cannon (second) Turn 2 – SUMMON Dharma Cannon (5) and ATTACK Turn 4 – ATTACK with Dharma Cannon, SUMMON Little Chimera (3) and ATTACK Turn 6 – TRIBUTE Little Chimera for Morinphen (2), ATTACK with Dharma Cannon first Turn 8 – ATTACK with Dharma Cannon, SUMMON Wretched Ghost of the Attic (5) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST Turn 10 – ATTACK first with whoever is not Morinphen

Go to Password Machine, enter: 98025229 for +100 Capacity 12580477 Raigeki 41356845 x3 for Acid Trap Hole 54912977 x3 for Ancient Lamp 53582587 x3 for Torrential Tribute 77754944 x2 for Widespread Ruin (3rd is already in shop) 08783685 x3 for Hourglass of Life 15361130 x3 for Invisible Wire

Go to shop, sort by SUMMON (DOWN, RIGHT TWICE) Shopping list: (password after card if you, for some reason, do not get it in the shop) Dark King of the Abyss (DOWN one) 53375573 King Fog (DOWN one) 84686841 Ancient Brain (UP RIGHT) 42431843 Akakieisu (RIGHT TWICE) 38035986 White Magical Hat (DOWN one) 15150365 Goddess with the Third Eye (LEFT) 53493204 Hourglasses (DOWN RIGHT) The Unhappy Maiden (DOWN LEFT) 51275027 ONE Skelengel (LEFT TWICE) 60694662 Ancient Lamps (third column) Doron (first column) 00756652 traps/Spells starting with Torrential Tribute and move UP DECK EDIT, sort by SUMMON (RIGHT, DOWN TWICE) Take out: Leo Wizard Fiends except for Morinphen Pyro, Forest, Earth KEEP BOLT ESCARGOT Add second Doron, remove the rest of the Water Take out bad spells/traps (Contract of Mask, Mooyan Curry, House of Adhesive Tape) and add good ones you just bought Sort AGAIN by SUMMON Add Shadows--skip Wretched Ghost, go to Dark Magician Add Lights leave

UP to Square DASH RIGHT through first screen WALK RIGHT and UP through second screen (RIGHT NPC should barely be moving DOWN as you leave)

100% manipulation. One of the duels you get by just dashing has The Ancient Brain, Doron, Mask of Darkness, Torrential Tribute, The Unhappy Maiden in the opening hand & you going first and can be faster overall throughout the Roba bros. The more likely scenario has only an Hourglass as a playable monster in the opening hand and Akakieisu in the next few draws. Very slow. This would be very inconsistent to get in real time. DASH UP to Roba bro Hand: Dark King of the Abyss, Invisible Wire, Acid Trap Hole, Goddess with the Third Eye, Doron (second) Turn 2 – SUMMON Doron (5) and use its EFFECT, SET Invisible Wire (2) Turn 4 – SUMMON Dark King of the Abyss (1) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST Turn 6 – ATTACK with first Doron, SUMMON Hourglass of Life (1) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK with rest Turn 8 – ATTACK with first Doron first

Duel second bro Hand: Goddess with the Third Eye, White Magical Hat, King Fog, Torrential Tribute, Doron Same card positions as the previous duel, except no need to set traps

Duel Espa Roba Hand: Invisible Wire, Widespread Ruin, Dark Magician, Acid Trap Hole, Widespread Ruin (second) Turn 2 – SET Invisible Wire (1) and end turn Turn 4 – SUMMON Doron (1) and use its EFFECT, SET Widespread Ruin (2) and Widespread Ruin (5) Turn 6 – TRIBUTE both Doron for Dark Magician (3) and ATTACK Turn 8 – SUMMON Akakieisu (2) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST Turn 10 – ATTACK with Akakieisu, SUMMON Mask of Darkness (2) and ATTACK, A and LEFT to Dark Magician for finish

DASH DOWN to leave, DASH RIGHT, DASH DOWN, WALK LEFT and DOWN to Rex (100% manipulation if you let Rex move) Hand: Wretched Ghost of the Attic, Invisible Wire, Ancient Brain, Witch's Apprentice, Hourglass of Life (first) Turn 1 – SET Ancient Brain (3), SET Invisible Wire (2) Turn 3 – SUMMON Akakieisu (2) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST Turn 5 – ATTACK with Ancient Brain, TRIBUTE Akakieisu for Morinphen (2) and ATTACK Turn 7 – SUMMON Wretched Ghost of the Attic (1) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST Turn 9 – A and RIGHT to Wretched Ghost and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST

DASH LEFT, LEFT, UP and LEFT to leave, go LEFT to Park Slightly UP and RIGHT to Weevil, duel lackeys--RIGHT, middle, LEFT Hand: King Fog, The Unhappy Maiden, Torrential Tribute, Little Chimera, Torrential Tribute (first) Turn 1 – SET King Fog (1) and Torrential Tribute (5) Turn 3 – SUMMON Goddess with the Third Eye (1) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST Turn 5 – ATTACK with all, SUMMON Little Chimera (4) and ATTACK, SET Torrential Tribute (3) Turn 7 – ATTACK with all, SUMMON Doron (3) and ATTACK for win

Hold B + LEFT and mash R until you duel the second Hand: Witch's Apprentice, Doron, Dark King of the Abyss, Goddess with the Third Eye, Invisible Wire (first) Turn 1 – SUMMON Doron (2) and use its EFFECT Turn 3 – ATTACK with all, SUMMON Dark King of the Abyss (3) and ATTACK Turn 5 – ATTACK with Dark King, SUMMON Goddess with the Third Eye (4) and ATTACK, A and RIGHT to wrap around to Doron and ATTACK Turn 7 – ATTACK with all (starting with second Doron) and go LEFT, after last Doron, SUMMON Witch's Apprentice (1) and ATTACK and go LEFT for win

WALK/DASH UP to Weevil and look LEFT Hand: Doron, Widespread Ruin, Acid Trap Hole, Wretched Ghost of the Attic, Morinphen (first) Turn 1 – SUMMON Doron (1) and use its EFFECT Turn 3 – ATTACK with first Doron, SUMMON Doron (1) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK with second Doron Turn 5 – ATTACK with second Doron, TRIBUTE first Doron for Morinphen (5) and ATTACK with all Turn 7 – ATTACK with all--after attacking with Morinphen, SUMMON King Fog (1) and ATTACK

Look UP to Weevil Hand: Witch's Apprentice, Goddess with the Third Eye, Ancient Brain, The Unhappy Maiden, Invisible Wire (first) Turn 1 – SET Invisible Wire (5), SET Ancient Brain (3) Turn 3 – SUMMON Witch's Apprentice (1) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK with Ancient Brain Turn 5 – ATTACK with Witch's Apprentice, SUMMON Goddess with the Third Eye (2) and ATTACK Turn 7 – Use Raigeki (2), ATTACK with Ancient Brain and Goddess with the Third Eye Turn 9 – ATTACK with Goddess with the Third Eye

DECK EDIT sort by Cost (RIGHT, DOWN THREE) Take out Goddess with the Third Eye, Dark King of the Abyss, Ancient Brain Add 3 Ancient Lamp DASH LEFT, LEFT UP LEFT to leave

RIGHT to Square, go DOWN, LEFT DOWN to Grandpa's Game Shop, try to duel Marik Leave RIGHT, LEFT and UP, and UP and LEFT UP to Building, LEFT as soon as you get in, look UP to talk to Joey, say you're Dueling, leave LEFT outside Building LEFT to Bridge DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, DASH RIGHT RIGHT, DASH UP to Strings Hand: Pot of Greed, Invisible Wire, Wretched Ghost of the Attic, Torrential Tribute, Invisible Wire (first, Pot of Greed draws Ancient Lamp) Turn 1 – SET Invisible Wire (2), Use Pot of Greed (1), SUMMON Ancient Lamp (2) and use its EFFECT Turn 3 – SUMMON Hourglass of Life (1) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK with Ancient Lamp first Turn 5 – SUMMON Akakieisu (2) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST

SECOND OPTION WITH STRINGS SAVES TWO TEXT BOXES DASH DOWN, LEFT into NPC and hold LEFT Hold LEFT into NPC, UP to leave when she moves RIGHT or DOWN TWICE to Aquarium UP and RIGHT, look UP to duel Takeshi's girlfriend Hand: Ancient Lamp, The Unhappy Maiden, Widespread Ruin, Mask of Darkness, Hourglass of Life (first) Turn 1 – SUMMON Ancient Lamp (1) and use its EFFECT, SET Widespread Ruin (3) Turn 3 – SUMMON Hourglass of Life (5) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 5 – ATTACK LEFT to RIGHT, SUMMON Ancient Lamp (3) and use its EFFECT (trap is Eatgaboon) and ATTACK with La Jinn for win

Hold RIGHT and R to duel Takeshi Hand: Doron, Widespread Ruin, Dark Magician, Magician of Faith, Skelengel (first) Turn 1 – SET Widespread Ruin (2), SUMMON Doron (1) and use its EFFECT Turn 3 – SUMMON Skelengel (5) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 5 – SUMMON Ancient Lamp (5) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK with La Jinn, ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 7 – SUMMON Hourglass of Life (2) and use it EFFECT, ATTACK LEFT to RIGHT for win

LEFT and UP to Mako cutscene, DASH UP and look RIGHT to duel Joey Hand: Doron, Little Chimera, Wretched Ghost of the Attic, Ancient Lamp, Ancient Lamp (second) Turn 2 – SUMMON Doron (1) and use its EFFECT [Joey's next monster, Time Wizard, wrecks La Jinn] Turn 4 – ATTACK with both Doron, SUMMON Ancient Lamp (4) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK with La Jinn Turn 6 – Starting with Ancient Lamp, ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT until last Doron--TRIBUTE it to SUMMON Ancient Lamp (5) and use its EFFECT Turn 8 – ATTACK with both La Jinn to win

WALK DOWN and duel Red Shirt Guy NPC as he is moving RIGHT Hand: King Fog, Ancient Lamp, Acid Trap Hole, Torrential Tribute, Acid Trap Hole (first) Turn 1 – SUMMON Ancient Lamp (2) and use its EFFECT, SET Acid Trap Hole (5) Turn 3 – SUMMON King Fog (1) and ATTACK, SET Acid Trap Hole (3) and ATTACK with rest Turn 5 – ATTACK with La Jinn and Ancient Lamp, SUMMON Ancient Lamp (1) and ATTACK with rest to win

Go to Mako--when Red NPC runs into Joey, duel him Hand: Doron, Bolt Escargot, Ancient Lamp, Torrential Tribute, Ancient Lamp (first) Turn 1 – SUMMON Ancient Lamp (5) and use its EFFECT, SET Torrential Tribute (4) Turn 3 – SUMMON Hourglass of Life (4) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 5 – ATTACK LEFT to RIGHT, SUMMON Ancient Lamp (3) and ATTACK to win

DASH LEFT and DOWN to leave, Go DOWN back to Square, to Card Shop, talk to Yugi Leave shop RIGHT, DASH UP slightly LEFT UP, DASH RIGHT, go towards where Roba bros were, enter when NPC moves LEFT TWICE and then DOWN Duel Ghoul Hand: Morinphen, The Unhappy Maiden, Invisible Wire, Ancient Lamp, Torrential Tribute (first) Turn 1 – SET The Unhappy Maiden (2) and Torrential Tribute (5) Turn 3 – TRIBUTE The Unhappy Maiden for Morinphen (1) and ATTACK Turn 5 - ATTACK, SUMMON Ancient Lamp (4) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK with La Jinn Turn 7 – ATTACK with Ancient Lamp, ATTACK with rest for win

Leave DOWN, DASH RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT DASH UP and LEFT to leave Square as last NPC is moving DOWN UP to Aquarium to where you fought Mako, duel Ghoul Hand: Doron, Little Chimera, Invisible Wire, Pot of Greed, Dark Magician (second) Turn 2 – SUMMON Doron (1) and use its EFFECT, SET Invisible Wire (3) Turn 4 – SUMMON Hourglass of Life (1) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST, ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 6 – ATTACK with Doron, TRIBUTE others for Dark Magician (5) and ATTACK Turn 8 – ATTACK with Doron, ATTACK with Dark Magician

Leave, go UP TWICE to Bridge, duel Ghoul Hand: Acid Trap Hole, Dark Magician, Pot of Greed, Little Chimera, Ancient Lamp (first) Turn 1 – SUMMON Ancient Lamp (5) and use its EFFECT, SET Acid Trap Hole (1) Turn 3 – SUMMON Hourglass of Life (1) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 5 – ATTACK LEFT to RIGHT for win

Leave, go LEFT TWICE to Art Museum, duel Ghoul Hand: Skelengel, Mask of Darkness, Key Mace, Doron, Dark Hole (second) Turn 2 – Use Dark Hole (5), SUMMON Doron (4) and use its EFFECT Turn 4 – ATTACK with both, SUMMON King Fog (4) and ATTACK Turn 6 – ATTACK with 2nd Doron, SUMMON Mask of Darkness (2) and ATTACK, SET Invisible Wire (4), ATTACK LEFT to RIGHT with rest Turn 8 – ATTACK with King Fog and Mask of Darkness to win

Leave, go LEFT to Card Shop, leave when NPC is moving UP RIGHT TWICE to Park, go to where you fought Weevil, duel Keith Hand: Little Chimera, Dark Magician, Hourglass of Life, Invisible Wire, Torrential Tribute (first) Turn 1 – SUMMON Little Chimera (1), SET Torrential Tribute (5) Turn 3 – SET Acid Trap Hole (1), ATTACK, SUMMON Hourglass of Life (3) Turn 5 – TRIBUTE BOTH for Dark Magician (2) and ATTACK Turn 7 – SUMMON King Fog (2) and ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 9 – ATTACK with Dark Magician for win

Leave, go LEFT THREE TIMES back to Square, DASH to Grandpa's shop DASH RIGHT, UP RIGHT, DOWN towards bottom of screen (not all the way) and RIGHT to Kaiba Corp, DASH to Roland Hand: Bolt Escargot, Doron, Ancient Lamp, Hourglass of Life, Widespread Ruin (first) Turn 1 – SET Widespread Ruin (5), SUMMON Doron (2) and use its EFFECT Turn 3 – SUMMON Ancient Lamp (3) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK first with La Jinn Turn 5 – SUMMON Hourglass of Life (3) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK with all for win

DASH out of Kaiba Corp DASH wiggle UP LEFT, wiggle UP LEFT, UP, wait to leave when last NPC is moving DOWN (if too early, re-enter Square) UP TWICE to Building, duel Lumis (first option) Hand: Morinphen, White Magical Hat, Invisible Wire, Pot of Greed, The Unhappy Maiden (second) Turn 2 – SUMMON White Magical Hat (2) and ATTACK, SET Invisible Wire (3), Use Pot of Greed (4), SET Torrential Tribute (2) Turn 4 – SUMMON Doron (2) and ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 6 – ATTACK with White Magical Hat, TRIBUTE Doron for Morinphen (1) and ATTACK Turn 8 – SUMMON Key Mace (1) and ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT to win

Leaving Roof, DASH UP into Lumis, RIGHT, DOWN until you bonk, RIGHT DASH OUT OF THERE AS FAST AS YOU CAN--THE NPC OUTSIDE SHOULD BE MOVING UP AS YOU LEAVE Go UP THREE TIMES to Art Gallery Go UP THREE TIMES to Pier, duel Keith Hand: Torrential Tribute, White Magical Hat, Hourglass of Life, Skelengel, Torrential Tribute (first) Turn 1 – SET White Magical Hat (2), SET Torrential Tribute (1) Turn 3 – ATTACK with White Magical Hat, SUMMON Ancient Lamp (1) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK with La Jinn Turn 5 – SUMMON Hourglass of Life (3), ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT to win

Go UP to Joey, dive in, duel Joey Hand: Invisible Wire, Ancient Lamp, Akakieisu, Widespread Ruin, Magician of Faith (second) Turn 2 – SET Invisible Wire (1), SUMMON Ancient Lamp (2) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK with La Jinn Turn 4 – SUMMON Akakieisu (3), ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 6 – ATTACK with Ancient Lamp, ATTACK with La Jinn Turn 8 – ATTACK with La Jinn for win

Wait a moment so Tea and Yugi move, then WALK out to Map--WAIT until last NPC moves LEFT and DOWN Go DOWN TWICE to Art Gallery UP to Ishizu Hand: Skelengel, Pot of Greed, Widespread Ruin, King Fog, Torrential Tribute (second) Turn 2 – SET Widespread Ruin (3), Use Pot of Greed (2), SET Widespread Ruin (2), SUMMON King Fog (4) and ATTACK Turn 4 – ATTACK with King Fog, SUMMON Ancient Lamp (2) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK Turn 6 – ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 8 – ATTACK with Ancient Lamp and La Jinn to win

Duel Kaiba Hand: Ancient Lamp, The Unhappy Maiden, Widespread Ruin, The Unhappy Maiden, Invisible Wire (second) Turn 2 – SUMMON Ancient Lamp (1) and use its EFFECT, SET Invisible Wire (5) Turn 4 – SET Raigeki (1), SET Widespread Ruin (3), ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 6 – SUMMON Skelengel (1) and ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 8 – use Raigeki, ATTACK with La Jinn for win

Leave, go UP TWICE to Square and DASH to Grandpa's shop—DO NOT GO IN Enter when NPC moves DOWN, LEFT, DOWN Go UP, talk to Tristan, Mai, Joey, Bakura, Marik, Mokuba, Seto, Yugi, Tea, Roland UP, LEFT, UP, LEFT, DOWN to talk to Roland, duel Odion Hand: Wretched Ghost of the Attic, Invisible Wire, Widespread Ruin, Ancient Lamp, The Unhappy Maiden (first) Turn 1 – SET Widespread Ruin (3), SET Invisible Wire (2), SUMMON Ancient Lamp (4) and use its EFFECT Turn 3 – ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT Turn 5 – SUMMON Wretched Ghost of the Attic (1) and ATTACK WITH IT FIRST, SET Acid Trap Hole (4) and ATTACK LEFT to RIGHT Turn 7 – ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT for win (Side Note: IF YOU LOSE, leave the Square and go UP to Stadium site)

Leave room, go UP LEFT to elevator and 1F, go RIGHT for next match Talk to Mai, Yugi, Tristan, Tea, Mokuba Talk to Roland and duel Yugi Hand: Dark Magician, Little Chimera, Torrential Tribute, Acid Trap Hole, White Magical Hat (first) Turn 1 – SET Torrential Tribute (3), SUMMON Little Chimera (2) Turn 3 – SUMMON Ancient Lamp (2) and use its EFFECT, ATTACK Turn 5 – SET Acid Trap Hole (4), ATTACK LEFT to RIGHT Turn 7 – ATTACK RIGHT to LEFT for win (Side Note: IF YOU LOSE, leave and go UP to final area)

Talk to Roland and duel Marik Hand: Little Chimera, The Unhappy Maiden, Hourglass of Life, Torrential Tribute, The Unhappy Maiden (second) Turn 2 – SET Torrential Tribute (4), SET Hourglass of Life (3) Turn 4 – SUMMON Ancient Lamp (3) and use its EFFECT Turn 6 – TRIBUTE Ancient Lamp for Morinphen (3), use Hourglass of Life's EFFECT, ATTACK LEFT to RIGHT Turn 8 – ATTACK with Morinphen, ATTACK with La Jinn for win

TIMING ENDS at acquiring Winged Dragon of Ra (end of text box)

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