Any% from 1.5 onward
7 years ago
Illinois, USA

hello I just thought we should start discussing any% and 1.5. The patch is right around the corner, and the any% routes are taking a huge hit. Rumor has it you can still play on 1.5, if you'd like to put up any% runs, if you back up your 1.5 game directory. Some other steps included but more on that later. I feel any% routes should all be on 1.5 because wall climbing and other tricks alter routes drastically, unless new tech is found. Which brings me to glitchless runs and 1.6. I think we should be open to a 1p and 2p category for glitchless runs as 1.6 releases. A great deal of players are coming in and setting times. Would like them to feel welcome as the patch becomes available. Any% should be open to fastest time always first regardless of patch. If we start allowing 1.5. Glitchless would always be on the current patch. Thoughts?

Bearbeitet von der Autor 7 years ago

What about mods? IAmLupo's mod has a script that brings back wall-jumping to 1.6, as well as other useful things for speedruns like bot killing script for botless runs. I could ask him for permission to make a version of the mod that only includes scripts for speedruns.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 7 years ago
Illinois, USA

Yah we have talked in the speed run discord about using mods, but the problem atm is all the mods come in bundles full of cheats. Once 1.6 comes out we will have to see what the bare bone mod looks like and how it changes the game. If we could get simple non bundled mods I dont have anything against it.

I don't think fatsharks stance on mods will ever change tho, and if we want to work with them (ala a speedrun build) this is kinda the wrong step.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 7 years ago

I can make a custom build of the modkit that doesn't include any of the cheats.

New Hampshire, USA

Grimalackt already has an injector in the works that contains only quality of life modifications (although I'm still trying to convince him to take out the bot improvements). I'll mention the wall climb fix to him as an addition.

British Columbia, Canada

I'd be a fan of a speedrun utility bundle that didn't include cheats.

I don't think I'm a fan of running a hack that lets us walljump in 1.6 though, it feels arbitrary. I'll probably just keep running 1.5.

Also you're probably right Jeezo, it'll be easiest to bring people in if it's accessible. I don't know how many people run glitchless though.

New Hampshire, USA

Also agree with Jeez0. It's easy to get a buddy to put times down with. It's not easy to get four, even with a dedicated Discord full of people.


The only people who are going to be able to run 1.5 are those who back it up now. I've talked to lupo and he's adding a modular system to his mod. You download the base without any of the scripts affecting the game and then copy a bunch of .zip files containing a single feature each. It's gonna be possible to make an "official" speedrun mod with that. Whether or not it should be mandatory or not can be decided later. Maybe add separate versions to the version list with and without mods? Like 1.6.0 and 1.6.0 (modded). Also talked to Grimalackt and I think he's okay with transfering his additions to the new set up when it's done. It wouldn't be so big of a deal to me if they didn't remove the walldodging. Solo speedruns without it seem extremely boring to me.

United States

Unshame you jerk :D why u target mah wheat n chaff? ;) have fun beating them all /pif

Bearbeitet von der Autor 7 years ago
New Hampshire, USA

Modded category: Ctrl+Shift+F2. Great run guys.


You missed the part about not having cheats in the version of the mod intended for speedrunning.

New Hampshire, USA

If the mod pack includes purely quality of life modifications then I don't see a reason why it would merit it's own category. For instance: A weapon/trinket overlay does not impact gameplay or put you at an unfair advantage to users who don't have mods installed. Neither does something like a numerical ping counter. But something like improved attack prioritization on bots seems unfair to me. I suppose that could merit it's own category purely on the grounds that it's kind of not a fair competition anymore. But I still don't see why all players can't just agree to not alter the original gameplay in any manner which puts you at an unfair advantage. I'm sure we all have different ideas as to what seems "unfair" or should be separated by category, so I guess my question to you is what do you deem as "cheats" (IE what features would you personally include in the mod pack)?'

Edit: Just for clarification, none of these "features" I've suggested above are hypothetical. They exist and are readily available.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 7 years ago

So across the board, generally what people do is put up a guide for running previous patches or modifications should something like this occur and as long as this is made publicly to everyone a green flag is given. If there is disagreement then yes a separate category could be made but more input from the community would be needed.

New Hampshire, USA

And as a separate question: If you were to created a so called "modded" category, what would be the limitations in place? Would certain mods be disallowed? At what point would you draw the line and say "that's too much"? I gave the extreme example of the ability to just instantly force win the game with 7 grimoires using a simple keybind. Would we just allow everything until something ruined the fun too much or became too broken, or would we agree on a mod pack?

TLDR: I feel like whatever the outcome of the modded category, it has the potential to divide an already miniscule community.

New Hampshire, USA

We've successfully reverted to patch 1.5 without the use of mods and we're currently working on uploading an entire copy of the 1.5 game for players to download who didn't back up prior to patch 1.6.

Illinois, USA

Hello I thought I'd post a link to the vermintide speedrun discord. Where you can find a copy and instructions to play on 1.5 if you wish to try any%. This is also where you can try to find others to speedrun with. We usually do about 1 full game run a week. How do you guys feel about white listing certain mods for glitchless%? Since I have yet to join a public game that is not using them in some sort in 1.7.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 7 years ago
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