Thread: Speedrunning
Wisconsin, USAZealotJohn7 years ago

Is there a way to submit or create a new speed running category for a game, there is a speed run I would like to submit but there is only a any % or main missions only (any% without having to load cut scenes) but there is free missions where its altered versions of the missions but you get to pick your character, i tried the forum for the game but i am not getting any response from the mod.

Wisconsin, USAZealotJohn7 years ago

I'd hate to bump this but I really would like to have the Free mission Speed run sections, I'd run that and it make it more open for others to play the character they like playing the best.

ShinKensou gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
Wisconsin, USAZealotJohn7 years ago

guilty gear 2 overture is not one of the normal games in the series, its a weird combat strategy hybrid, i don't fair to well in the normal games in the series, and the only other game thats close to it is brutal legend with the stage battles.

Thread: Speedrunning
Wisconsin, USAZealotJohn7 years ago

well I sent the message and never got a response, I'm not going to bother with the GG2 forum as i had a post in there to add categories and never got any response, the guy who put in the run talked to him on his stream on twitch and they seemed to have worked it out, and the ban was from what was said to be an auto ban system when he tried to post in the forum for the game on this site.

Thread: Speedrunning
Wisconsin, USAZealotJohn7 years ago

This is my first go at speed running and seeing something like this happen really puts a sour outlook at it at all, I'll try your suggestions, but if nothing comes though with it I'll sadly drop one of my favored games for speed running and try find a different one.

Thread: Speedrunning
Wisconsin, USAZealotJohn7 years ago

He added Rule 4 about Preloading (to shorten load times), i cant really fight that rule as it is something that does make since, but he made it PC only rule while still leaving 360 in the same section as PC, and some cases of me trying to talk to him seem to go with no response, i am still new to this so I'm still trying to figure the site out too.

Thread: Speedrunning
Wisconsin, USAZealotJohn7 years ago

well anything we can do about it?

Thread: Speedrunning
Wisconsin, USAZealotJohn7 years ago

I started speed running on guilty gear 2 overture, and there is a community on steam for this game so i told them about the speed runs on here some one took up the challenge of speed running the game, he tried posting 2, 1 that he messed up on and didn't pass verification, the 2nd one he posted was better but then the only moderator posted a new rule and voided that run and then banned him. The main thing that makes it weirder is the 2nd run beat the mod's run and the mod's speedrun seems to have some missing segments from his run video as well.

what do you guys think or am i worrying over nothing?

Wisconsin, USAZealotJohn7 years ago

Is there a possibility we can add sections for Free mission completion runs for each character, skipping the survival and training missions?

ShinKensou gefällt das.
ZealotJohn Informationen
7 years ago
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