Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

I've been grinding Chapter 4 a while ago, since it's been fairly vanilla so far. There had to be something there to mess and toy with, and after giving it a go, it's been pretty exciting. This is part of what I got out of it.

Gonna post this here in case someone only checks the forum. More coming.

Any associations with Legend of Zelda are very unintentional, but it fits imo ;)

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

Our real goal: Kill Cine, who hides within the source code, in order to unlock the skip cutscene button... His weakness: the backspace button

Really though, imagine having to watch an entire feature length movie anytime you want to run :P The same one every time, that's definitely discouraging for runners.

Let's say someone would make this kind of program, would there even be interest, and if so, what kind of functionality and what limits should it have? For example, should remixes be skipped as well? I'd be interested to hear some opinions regarding that

Also someone with more knowledge could try out if the SkipCine function works ingame with Cheat Engine.

Don't know if it's possible, but this would be much easier if there was a way that the game recognizes a new save file once it's exchanged

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

I calculated that a whole, flawless NG+ run that would use this method to skip ahead would finish at around 1:40:00, with remixes 1:55:00. Those longer cutscenes that would get skipped make up a saved total of about 1 hour 10 minutes

Also look what I found while going through the built RememberMe source code:


I don't know if it's functional, but SkipCine basically means what you think it means

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

Yeah, I agree with you that there are many downsides.

This would all be done automatically, so it wouldn't take the player to do anything, would mainly save time.

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

One thing I know would work right now is to write a script that exchanges checkpoint files (the ones in \Steam\userdata*\228300\remote\RememberMeSave0) automatically for you, then you just load that checkpoint and you skipped the cutscene. I can think of a couple downsides:

  1. It would have to close the game and reload it through Steam, because the game only reads new checkpoint files on a fresh startup.

  2. Enemy positions are different when you load some checkpoints. This could make a couple fights harder.

  3. In the case of 100% specifically, it would make it harder to verify runs, because savefile switching makes showing how many collectibles you found irrelevant (the savefiles would be set up so that all collectibles were found until that point regardless).

  4. Reloading checkpoints empties the Focus meter and so strategies that involve saving Focus you've accumulated for later wouldn't work anymore (This could technically be avoided by us choosing if we want to load a checkpoint).

  5. EXP will be different too, I don't really have experience with Any% though, and if it's all that relevant.

  6. It would completely switch your combos to the ones that the player, who made the checkpoint file, used. (This could be avoided by agreeing on which combos people want to use, or by having the option of another set of checkpoint files with different combos, and then setting up the checkpoint file accordingly)

  7. It wouldn't work for every cutscene, because some instances, in which you load a checkpoint after a cutscene finishes, load you back into the cutscene instead of actual gameplay.

. . .

I know it's something that's possible to program, but what are people's thoughts on this?

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

Something like that would be pretty helpful. Have there been instances where fast-forwards or cutscene skips have actually been built into an already finished game by the community (in this case through Unreal Engine 3)?

What I imagine is that through injecting commands or changing values in Cheat Engine, you could be able to teleport out of a cutscene or, like you said, make the game temporarily faster. Another way (with Cheat Engine) would be to overwrite checkpoint data, so you'll skip by loading the overwritten checkpoint that leads to the checkpoint after the long first cutscene in every chapter.

Then there's also the possibility of switching around graphic card settings and .ini tweaks (maybe both combined) to reach higher speeds, toggling them on and off automatically with a script, kind of how Autosplitters work.

I have some programming experience, only with actual source code though, nothing related to finding the right values and changing behavior in an already built game, except that I know there's a program called IDA that makes it easier to find ingame addresses (that you need to change game behavior) compared to using only Cheat Engine, but these are some of the options that are available to us

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

Quick update to keep everyone who might want to run this on an even playing field.

To clarify, clicking right analogue stick doesn't work for any fixed camera angles that occur when you hang or airwalk from some ledges, where you're camera-locked from the very beginning, so it doesn't work in Episode 6's Pick-Socket skip for example.

You can only unlock cameras in situations where you're airwalking freely, but suddenly the camera freezes and stops reacting to any of your movement inputs.

This is especially useful for the airwalk to the minefield in Episode 3 and the big airwalk to the cube in Episode 7. There might be other uses, but that's it for now.

Sasam und shade_the gefällt das.
Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

I made a little video about it:

I missed to record flying through the pipe looking for a trigger after deactivating the mines, it's the same result though. Let me know if I missed anything or if there's something else

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

You can get a checkpoint in the sewers, but that's before the Zorn fight, so it's essentially the same problem of not having Junk Bolt, if I understand you correctly. How would that skip the Zorn fight entirely?

Edit: Oh, you're talking about the Manhole cover. I was confused, because there's actually a sewer section before the Zorn fight. What ends Episode 3 is pressing B on the Manhole cover, and that's actually possible before you fight the Zorn, but it still starts the exact same cutscene of the Zorn appearing, so I don't think there's a trigger other than that which could skip the fight. From my experience, that pressing B trigger just gets replaced after you beat the Zorn. But I can take a look tomorrow with mods

Elvispretzel gefällt das.
Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

True, I thought about that one as well and I think it's a different thing. This is a really big assumption, but I believe the collision detection is bugged when an enemy attacks another ally. It's bugged in a way that when a second ally attacks the ally that's being attacked, they can actually push that ally out of bounds.

That, or maybe it was a really specific angle? Needs more testing to say for sure, I have tried a bit but couldn't replicate it yet, mainly because the movement of those leapers with the white helmet seems completely random and sometimes they just don't want to do what you want them to do :P

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

It seems to me almost like there's 1 frame or 2 where that one enemy you got oob actually doesn't have clipping enabled. Using cheats, I can confirm that you can walk through both enemies before the fight begins. So while they're this way, their bodies don't get blocked by the environment, so to speak.

I tried it and get it 50% of the time, it might heavily depend on how fast your first attack animation is. It's definitely a fun timesaver when you get it, but I think it's a little random right now :P

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

Really honorable. Nilin bringing some new customers in to improve the economy. Nice find!

shade_the gefällt das.
Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

Thank you! What I did in the Zorn fight is possible by putting these bindings in your BaseInput.ini in steamapps\common\Remember Me\Engine\Config. Under "General Bindings" add:

Bindings=(Name="Add",Command="Ghost",Desc="") Bindings=(Name="Subtract",Command="Walk",Desc="")

With this, when you press + or - on your numpad, you can clip through environment and fly essentially. All triggers are still active with this, which is nice.

And I don't know about the cutscene skips, I was really surprised that it happened in the video, because I tried a lot and had trouble replicating it at all. The Zorn still does the animation from the cutscenes, but you're still free to interact and run around when they would play, but because the Zorn's hitboxes are inactive, it saves no time. For now it's pretty random, but it's fun at least :P

Do you mean stopping the Airwalk at the fire instead of grabbing health and going through the turbine? Turbine is still faster by a lot, just because there aren't a lot of good ways to quickly lose height consistently that are known right now. Oh and in case you mean the actual Leaking Brain: The important parts, enemies and Tommy Headache are all unloaded when you airwalk there unfortunately. They only load in the cutscene that plays when you climb and jump down from that railing above and you're unable to interact with it during an airwalk.

shade_the gefällt das.
Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

It would be cool to see your way of trying to get the Zorn OoB. I played around with his moveset, but never felt that his hitbox (middle of his feet) was truly in a wall.

Here's the setup of the skip mentioned:

Basically I've uploaded a video of me basically going over the details of the skip, while basically showing off some other interesting glitches and things I've newly discovered in the game and Zorn fight specifically + a second solution to the apparent problem with this skip. That are like just the basics of the video. Basically.

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

Yeah, it could be a reach. Looking at it, it's possible that with this method you can only displace enemies into OoB if they're hit by at least one enemy, or possibly multiple enemies at once. But hey, maybe the same principle still applies if there are other ways to get enemies OoB. Who knows, might even trigger on smaller mobs. So it's easy, let's just find out how this works and then make this run Movie% :)

Also what I think would be great for NG+ specifically is when there would be more glitch variety, so I'm still on the lookout for things like this. There definitely is some in an optimized 100% route though.

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

Is it that the moves you found to be faster are faster no matter what or are they only faster when you put them in a certain order? Have you found that order changes anything at all?

It would be cool to have actual frame work done on this, basically like a pause buffer, counting the frames until the move connects/hits, then also counting the ending lag frames that it takes until your next action can be input again, if you know what I mean. Might be a little overkill, but this is interesting to me nonetheless.

In case you're not doing this, I'll get on that as soon as you're ready to share the moves you found to be faster

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

That's unfortunate, thanks for experimenting though.

I remember a video that showed someone managing to skip a fight later on in Episode 7 by (accidentally) putting a boss enemy out of bounds for a moment, which surprisingly triggered the end of the fight.

It might not be possible, just thinking about potential possibilities here for a second, but if we could somehow manipulate the Zorn in a way that it would jump OoB, maybe the same result would occur. I'll edit in the video once I find it.

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

Hah thanks, that's nice to hear, because finding the useless and absolutely unusable things in Remember Me really is my only superpower :)

Thread: Remember Me
GermanyTraivlin4 years ago

Thank you. I assume you'd get the Junk Bolt automatically once you start Episode 4, but you're possibly right. I'd like to find out though in case someone can find a way to beat the Zorn without Junk Bolt. Actually I might just make a video showing the airwalk later, just to have it documented.

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