Thread: Speedrunning
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyTietscha7 years ago

For these old classic Lightguns you need one of these old "big" TVs, because they are working with the reflection of infrared, which doesn't work on flat-, plasma-, led tvs. So the splitters are essential for.

Your are right Knight, the quality isn't really the best out there but this method uses just the video signal cable and not the much better component cable. So for me it's ok for the beginning and thankls to you, for the quick example ;x.

I'll train the next few days and when it arrives, I'll give it a try with capturing.

Thread: Speedrunning
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyTietscha7 years ago

Thx for the quick reply. I took a look and found this one for the beginning: http://www.ezcap.tv/usb-game-capture-device/ezcap116-ezgamer-capture-card

Will this work? I think it comes with 3 pins, which split up the signal, so I can play on my tv and capture on pc.

When the whole capture thing get me hooked, I'll spend more money for a better capture card.

Thread: Speedrunning
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyTietscha7 years ago

Hello everyone, I am new to the scene of speedrunning and after 2 years of watching, I decided to give it a try.

Back in the days I was a real lightgun junky XD. So I ordered a pair of them for my ps2 and bought an old one of these "big" tvs. When they arrive, I'll start with the ps2 lg-shooters.

But maybe someone can give me an advice how to record them. I am thinking about a cam in front of the tv to get the video. Timer on pc and in post production cut it together and upload to youtube. Which brings me to my second question. How can I submit a video with a record for a game, which isn't in the database yet?

Thank you for your help

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyTietscha7 years ago

Back in the days I was a real lightgun junky XD. So I ordered a pair of them for my ps2 and bought an old one of these "big" tvs. When they arrive, I'll start with the ps2 lg-shooters. But maybe someone can give me an advice how to record them. I am thinking about a cam in front of the tv to get the video. Timer on pc and in post production cut it together and upload to youtube. Which brings me to my second question. How can I submit a video with a record for a game, which isn't in the database yet?

Thanks for the warm welcome :D

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyTietscha7 years ago

Hello everybody,

I am a huge speddrunning fan since 2 years now. I love these good old videogames and maybe want to give it a try with speedrunning :D.

THX to everyone for a warm welcome

Tietscha Informationen
7 years ago
7 years ago