Thread: Speedrunning
RODZombie7 years ago

Thanks for more feedback on this. I'm just learning about all the different terminology, and concepts related to speed running, so this is all helping me gain a better understanding. The only thing I was thinking of with this concept was making it so that if you were new to speed running, if you wanted to, your goal could be to get the best time in the Beginner category, knowing that you're not yet ready to get a much better outcome on the same level as those runners who have achieved great runs that are way beyond your current skill level. But I didn't think of any of the other things that were brought up by people who replied in this thread.

Thread: Speedrunning
RODZombie7 years ago

Thanks for your feedback! You are definitely right, it isn't thought through yet. I am new to how the Leaderboards on this site work, and wasn't aware of the points system either. I guess this idea would be something to do if you were coming up with your own site for speed runs and built that in from the beginning as to how the site works. At least in the way this idea is currently.

Thread: Speedrunning
RODZombie7 years ago

This has most likely been suggested before but would it be feasible to have Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert categories for speed runners, and their speed runs?

Wherein if you're a beginner, you can hold the best run in the Beginner category of a game in comparison to other beginners, and the same for the Intermediate and Expert categories. And when you surpass the time of someone in a higher category, you would then go from Beginner to Intermediate, and the same for those doing so in Intermediate, to then go through to Expert.

It might be a pain to manage though, and to figure out what time would indicate which category a speed runner is ranked under, among some other things I probably haven't thought of.

What does everyone think about this concept?

RODZombie7 years ago


I'm not a speed runner but over the years I have watched runs of games, here and there. I edit tribute videos to horror movies on my YouTube channel. At some point I want to do Let's Plays of horror games, and who knows, maybe I will record speed run attempts of horror games as well for the channel too.

RODZombie Informationen
7 years ago
7 years ago