Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

@xXAlucard, when runs become just a few milliseconds off, we'll talk. Until then, you're throwing around what's used as an excuse crutch for a split imho (not saying you personally)

A talk of a split when there's a remover involved would be laughed at in such an overwhelming amount of speedrun communities. Why does the RE community tolerate people trying to hide away from certain runners, by pushing for category splits/or arbitrary caps? It's so strange to me. This is PC speedrunning. If you have a potato computer anywhere else in the speedrun world, you're told to get a better system. There's a basic barrier to entry. You need a system good enough to run the game optimally to speedrun the game optimally. What a concept.

It's so laughable this is such an issue in the first place, really. There's gotta be a point that you need to be told "get a better PC or you simply cannot compete for a WR". If you can achieve 60, you should be more than capable of getting a really good competitive time. Until only 120+ FPS runners are on top of you, you shouldn't be stressing anything except getting the hell good. This is PC, a very dynamic range of systems are involved, expecting everyone to cater to your weaker framerate is asinine and entitled.

How did the RE2 120/60 split work out for you guys pushing for that then? Where's all the vocal people for that at? I wanna see your WR's. You were so damn concerned then that your elite skills would put you behind 120. Surely all those really vocal people have close to top times, yeah? Or was it a way to hide from Orcho and other people that just play 120? I'm looking mostly at those that could probably run the 120 category just fine, but choose to run 60. If your PC is struggling that much to run this game, you might want to just look into getting a console going forward. It's definitely going to get even harder to run future games.

Whether you guys cap it at 120 (perfectly reasonable, just not 60 or a divide, please) or not, the arguments against basic PC speedrunning concepts are starting to annoy me too much, so I'm ducking out of the conversation with my piece said. I'll trust the community uses some common sense judgement and doesn't use crutch excuses, even if I don't like the outcome. I've done what I can to try to help ease the situation of a broken timer. That's what I care about :)

TrichaelMan, DECosmic und 7 Andere gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

I disagree with a cap on this. As for dropped inputs, that's how it is with every game you're running at a lower frame rate on. And no game on SRC that I'm aware of separates or forces a cap just because of lower inputs being read on 60 vs other higher FPS'. If you know of any, show me, but that's very very much a nature of the beast of playing video games on PC.

I'm already like 30 hours into digging around. Yes, in 11 days I'm confident we'll have things sorted.

TrichaelMan, septerna und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

@trator_ensaboado that's part of the point of us doing a bunch of testing before we go fully official and to the masses.

TrichaelMan und TheNevs gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

From what I've seen, @NulliferBones, no difference. I actually play capped on 60 FPS (I have a 60hz monitor too). But I've done tests on both 60 and 150~ FPS (what I can reach uncapped) and things have stayed consistent. IMO, if you're comfortable capped on 60, play capped on 60, it shouldn't impact things beyond that.

NulliferBones gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

I'm glad we could roll something out. I have another test being sent out to my testers here within the next couple of hours that should hopefully address the last of the bugs (although they were quite minor, but still).

I'm glad this has been receptive. I don't think it's fair to take all of the 60 FPS runners and cram them into some hidden by default category.

It's also not fair to force people to run the game at a much lower framerate than what they're comfortable with. So this is a good middle ground. More people to compete with is always a great thing too!

Now if only Capcom would follow suit, lol.

To reiterate on what zgl said, once we've tested this privately quite extensively, we'll bleed in other testers to give it a good series of hard tests to make sure it's ready. After that, I'll push it as a general autosplitter update. If you don't like using autosplits, you can disable the autosplit functionality all together, what matters is the timer is used.

I'll work with @hazeblade on getting a really good instructional video up for those that haven't ever used Livesplit or autosplits before so that it will be easy for everyone to jump in.

Zoomatik, NuZ und 4 Andere gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

@Chris_Hylands -- I'm pretty sure there's talk about separating console and PC anyway.

@NuZ right back at ya :P

Update, hour 16 of working on this today: I think we're pretty damn close to a full bug-free solution to this.

Thanks to @hazeblade and @maxylobes for testing -- I'll work on this more after I get some rest, as its not quite perfect yet. >_<

zgl, septerna und 5 Andere gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

I found a solution to this problem. I've contacted the mods for testing. Behaves the same on 60 and 150 FPS in my testing.

Mudkicker, Imperg und 3 Andere gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

Hey gang, I was up really late last night digging more into an RTA loadless solution. I thought I had a break through and had @hazeblade test, but it lead to a similar problem.

I still have a bunch of ideas to try, and I'm still digging and will report back. It's good to see people like the idea of RTA loadless. I'll see what I can do :)

Btw, @NuZ -- I'm not a mod. :P

sophLUL, Dshana und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

Genuine question, but if I were, in theory, able to get proper load removal working some how, would you runners that would be 60 FPS be happy with RTA with load removal? Or would there still be something to complain about?

That probably sounds more passive aggressive than I intend, I just want a straight answer before I continue going bonkers trying to find a solution to this that makes most people happy.

the_frasco und hazeblade gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

@TheLegendOfLame that's very weird, because on a 1060 I could get 109 FPS in RE2 after settings adjustments (my biggest dip was oddly in the RPD main hall). I upgraded to a 1070, but I haven't seen much difference between this and RE2. What's your game settings at? Also what do you have for a CPU? If you want to Discord me I can try to dig up the settings I used to try to help you.

Now, back on the overall topic: People realize 120 FPS is the ceiling cap, not the minimum you should be running it on, right? A lot of runners I know don't even average 120 when they're capped. Even 70 FPS will do you better than 60. Even then we're talking SECONDS of a difference between 120 and 60. DURING LOADS. That absolutely does not justify another set of categories, and your hardware problems does not justify lowering everyone else in the race to your level of handicap, quite frankly.

Best of luck to any of you wanting to go run any other modern games, your cries for FPS caps at all (let alone categories) would just be met with laughter. At least the mods here are trying to set a ceiling. A ceiling. Not a minimum, not an average.

That said, I submitted a suggestion to one of the mods. They might not like it, but it could potentially kill off this crisis before it becomes more dramatic.

Hozen, the_frasco, und hazeblade gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

@NuZ 130 is the number SRC reports for active players. Compared to the OG's 15. In 5 years, when people aren't pushing for 60, maybe the current mods of the future will adjust the rules. Until then, they're trying to accommodate. Compare to other leader-boards on this site, for example, Doom Eternal, or practically any other modern game (that's not a jab at those mods either, btw, just saying, in speedrunning this kind of accommodation attempt is not common).

And yes, I think what everyone wants here is a good time and no BS drama. Good luck and godspeed with runs. If anyone else manages to find a way to properly load remove without having the same issues, please contact me. I think everyone would rather RTA with load removal than deal with any of this, but right now, we're in this predicament because Capcom added another bug (at least they fixed the knife). Here's to hoping they fix it with a patch? KEKW

Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

@NuZ that's very true too. But my offer does stand, if there's ever anyone on the LB's that's right under the 120 runners and cannot improve without 100% upgrading, I'm more than happy to chip in. As I'm sure others will too. Proof needs to be in the pudding of the displayed skillsets, otherwise it's a crutch until then.

And something tells me this game won't suffer if the cap turns people off running it. It certainly didn't impact RE2R enough. Still over 130 active runners for that. And yes, for some reason Capcom doesn't support a cap at 120. That will definitely change when next gen comes out, its annoying they don't do it now, because its been the standard on PC for years

Also, REmake 1 uncapped saves about 1 minute, I think? Its a much longer run with door load animations. Not sure if that impacts it at all. Its been a long time since I've dealt with that game though, I just remember the routing had to be adjusted when people started turning Vsync off (enemy AI behaves differently)

Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

So I should drop my framerate by over half because Capcom is supporting a framerate that's on its way out in 2020 as the standard, instead of the newer upcoming standard? Because the minority (this was even proven with RE2's leaderboards) can't reach 120. Gotcha. Nah, let's just drop to 30 then, you 60 FPSers should have to drop 50% too then. It's all about accessibility and fairness anyway.

@NuZ I'm happy to chip in if you can prove yourself to only be seconds behind the 120 runners, absolutely. I don't want anyone to be limited, if they have the skill. Waifu wasn't able to achieve a steady 120 FPS in RE2, and his skillset literally got him the money to buy an upgrade. A 2070 should easily achieve 120 FPS, though (my 1070 does). So how does this effect you, or are you just looking to complain?

I won't entertain people that are just preemptively complaining until they've actually hit a wall due to framerate, however. For RE3 (not RE2, obviously) that's 100% a crutch until you've proven otherwise.

If framerate is the only thing holding you back, and not your own skill, that doesn't last for long in the streaming world :)

In the mean time, I'm still digging to see if I can find a load removal method that doesn't have the same problem. Ideally I'd like to prevent this problem all together, but I'm really struggling to find anything that doesn't lead to a dead end or the same exact problem.

Hoobie gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

"However, I do think this this is a good idea to maybe develop a 120/60 time calculator or maybe just simply run with a "load removal"-type timer."

I tried this, actually. All the flags I found to detect loading achieved the same ms problem we have with the current IGT. Basically, the flag that returns true to pause the timer is delayed a few ms. If anyone else finds something reliable that doesn't have this problem, I'm open to editing the splits, but what I found leads to a similar dead end.

As for the 60 FPS, why not just make it 30 then? It's all about accessibility right? Take a look at Steam's hardware polls. Simply put, there's more people that can reach close to 120 than those that can't. I'm not down with forcing a majority to pander to a minority, ever.

Although I am sympathetic, so I will make this offer:

If anyone ever hits the 9 second ceiling because they truly can't improve because of their FPS, I will pitch in and help them get an upgrade. I'm sure many others will too. Until you reach that point and proved your skills, you're worrying about something that doesn't effect you and potentially using it as a theoretical crutch excuse.

If anyone thinks the cap is unreasonable and want more of a cap, I kindly refer you to practically every other game on SRC that doesn't impose a FPS cap at all, where those with the best systems and best play win, then say the mods are being unreasonable here.

Hozen, vinev und 4 Andere gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

Here's a thread created on the RE2R boards, where a similar cap is placed.


Just to note, another popular option is Rivatuner which is not mentioned in the OP.

zgl gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

Its a bummer that it has to be capped, but this isn't on the mods, but rather the developers that I'm disappointed with. I do agree with the choice though, I would rather this not be pay to win, and I don't personally see a need for more categories for more frame rates. Too many people use their system as a crutch for why they can't get a top time, and this mitigates that, overall. Good work, team.

Squirrelies und zerolaggaming gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

Defended Jill was changed to split on using the detonator at the request of 7RayD. I agree that it's a more appropriate place to split.

zgl gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

The splitter has been updated. The "Defended Jill" split should now split when you grab the detonator... It's not ideal, but the game does a weird thing for knife only players that would cause it to not split. So this is a "in the middle" solution. Sorry for any inconvenience :/

zgl und MaterialBurst gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

Splitter has been updated since original post that fixes a bunch of things. At this time I'm considering it stable, but as always, reach out if things aren't behaving appropriately.

Special thanks to Orchlon for testing these extensively for me.

zgl und MaterialBurst gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

Edit your splits and change the game name to "Resident Evil 3". A message should display below "Start Timer at:" that notifies you that auto splitting and IGT is available by CursedToast. Click the "Activate" button. Doing this will make Livesplit automatically grab the splitter for you, no ASL file needed.

After activating the RE3 autosplitter, click "Settings". Place a checkmark next to every split you want to use. Everything checkmarked will auto split (other than the "Part" parent categories, those are for organization).

Afterwards, create your splits segments. Name them anything you want (just make sure you have one split for each checkmarked autosplit setting). Order them however you'd like.

Make sure you compare against Game Time by right clicking livesplit and "Compare against -> Game Time".

If a split doesn't fire off when it should, double check that its checkmarked in the autosplitter settings. If a split fires off when it shouldn't, make sure you don't have something checkmarked without a split segment created.

Otherwise, this is still considered a beta and prone to error, so if you have any issues, reach out on Discord or Twitter, or post here.

Daravae, Dimier_Lisb und 13 Andere gefällt das.
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