CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

This solution fixes the problem with _NPCScan.Overlay displaying rare paths as giant abstract shapes instead of the actual paths.

Download the latest version ( https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/npcscan-overlay/download/2482373

Download this version ( https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/npcscan-overlay/download/952575

Extract the files wherever you like. Once they are extracted navigate to the \\ folder.

You'll need to copy "PathData.lua" from the folder and paste it into the folder in the same spot, overwriting the old one.

Then navigate to the \\Modules\ folder and copy these 3 files:

Minimap.lua WorldMap.lua WorldMapTemplate.lua

You'll then want to paste those 3 files into the \\Modules\ folder, overwriting the old ones there.

That's all the grunt work done, time to reinstall the addon.

Delete/backup the old _NPCScan.Overlay\ folder in \WoW\Interface\Addons\

Copy the modified _NPCScan.Overlay\ folder from the folder and paste it in \WoW\Interface\Addons\

Launch WoW to confirm that the paths are now correctly displayed. Donezo!

Eventually _NPCScan.Overlay will get an update that fixes this but for now it works :D

CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

This is basically what I'm looking for. I just copied relevant tooltip info from wowhead and sorted it.

Demon Hunter

[All Specs]

Double Jump (Passive) Requires Demon Hunter You are able to jump again while near the apex of your first jump.

Glide (Passive) Instant 1.5 sec cooldown Requires Demon Hunter Reduces your falling speed.

You can activate this ability with the jump key while falling.


Mastery: Demonic Presence (Passive) Requires Demon Hunter (Havoc) Increases your Chaos damage by 12% and your movement speed by 8%.

Fel Rush (Spell) Instant 10 sec recharge 2 Charges Requires Demon Hunter Rush forward, incinerating anything in your path for (294% of Attack power) Chaos damage.

Vengeful Retreat (Spell) Instant 25 sec cooldown Requires Demon Hunter Remove all snares and vault away. Nearby enemies take 100% Physical damage and have their movement speed reduced by 70% for 3 sec.

Netherwalk (Talent) Instant 2 min cooldown Requires Demon Hunter (Havoc) Requires level 104 Slip into the nether, increasing movement speed by 100% and becoming immune to damage, but unable to attack. Lasts 5 sec.


Infernal Strike (Spell) 30 yd range Instant 20 sec recharge 2 Charges Requires Demon Hunter (Vengeance) Leap through the air toward a targeted location, dealing (316% of Attack power) Fire damage to all enemies within 6 yards.

Spirit Bomb (Talent) 40 yd range Instant Requires Demon Hunter (Vengeance) Requires level 108 Consume all Soul Fragments within 25 yds and then explode, afflicting nearby enemies with Frailty for 20 sec and damaging them for (180% of Attack power) Fire per fragment.

You heal for 20% of all damage you deal to enemies with Frailty.

Last Resort (Talent) Requires Demon Hunter (Vengeance) Requires level 110 Sustaining fatal damage instead transforms you to Metamorphosis form, and returns you to 30% health.

This effect may only occur every 8 min.
CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

This thread will be used to discuss and add new information to a series of guides being worked on.

Crrently working on an intro to wow speedrunning guide: https://www.speedrun.com/wow/guide/vbve1

At the moment I'm looking for information on the different classes and what makes them specifically good at speedrunning. I may adopt a standard format for posts later to make writing easier, but for now post whatever you know however you like. Thanks :D

Tamlord gefällt das.
CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

Just saw this and had to let everyone know. It's going to be very interesting :O


Trade in veiled argunite for relics with a small chance to roll 101 BoE/titanforge.

CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

I personally am not a fan of allowing LFR in speedruns due to the aforementioned reasons. It would make so many strats redundant and remove a good portion of what makes speedrunning fun.

cdgexe, Tamlord, und Venty gefällt das.
CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

Another interesting idea would be the deaths of chromie scenario. Everyone is scaled to ilvl 1000 which allows for some very fun builds with some seriously-broken-when-scaled gear. Anyone could be competitive with the right setup.

CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

My main 110 DH has about 172% ms unbuffed in the full speed set I've been tailoring for months (~64% mastery, many +speed).

My 101 twink has 215% ms unbuffed, 315% with wisp form and 415% with gunshoes (150% mastery, some +speed). I can reach near epic flight speeds on foot lol. The gear I currently have isn't highly optimized due to my server having mediocre boes, but it's getting there. Tam has some super sexy pieces with +speed and a socket, the bis of bis. Also that legacy engie helm with +1300 mastery.

CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

It was my first speedrun of that place and I totally forgot about ra-den (also hadn't cleared normal prior), so my run should be under any% instead of all bosses. That was my fault when submitting so I'll get that fixed. But yeah all bosses is all bosses in the raid.

CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

We run raids on 10 normal when available. There are exceptions for All Bosses runs where a boss is heroic only, in which case we do 10 heroic. Using LFR may work for for raids where there is no difference between the full raid and that except for damage/hp. You couldn't for example queue up for the last boss of a raid and call it any%. Will need a mod to confirm though.

CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

Finally crafted a savant helm, they got nerfed hard. I crafted a 715 and it has 491 mastery. So the 725 would only be 500 something. Guess I'll be using the cloth helm ¯_(ツ)_/¯

CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

That is a solid idea. Unfortunately the only heirloom I have is the warstaff and I don't think blizz will let me exchange lol.

One last question for you about your savant engie helm. Are the stats bugged/prenerf or is it craftable now with those stats? I've made over 300 helms so far with no savant proc and I can't find one to buy anywhere. Wowhead had a bunch of weird listings for the stats (so many variants and different stats with same ilvl) so I don't know what to believe.

Thanks again :D

EDIT: Also just noticed the cape you are wearing says 101, on wowhead it says 101. But on the AH it was 110. My veng twink has the same one equipped, did they change the level requirements for it?

EDIT2: There appears to be 2 versions, no idea why. I found one in my bags that was 101 and still boe. For science, the 110 boe when purchased from the AH did not scale down on my twink.

CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

There are some things that could have worked but I'm already in this for the long run lol. What do you use for speedruns?

CanadaConjuredBiscuit6 years ago

Starting with a story:

I finally got around to seeing just how much mastery Tamlordli had on their DH (mastery directly increases ms in havoc), turns out to be 150%. It was then I realized I don't stand a chance on my main with only ~64% mastery in my full speed set. So in order to be competitive in most runs I would have to regear my twink in havoc and full mastery gear.

I went to my order hall to pick up my havoc quest and... it's not there. After reading a bit on wowhead I learned that you get the 2nd artifact quest at 102. I contacted a GM to see if there was any possible way for me to switch my artifact but they said there is no way for me to obtain the quest or the artifact. Also any sort of reset/partial delete of my character would mess things up on their end so they couldn't do that either. They sympathized with my situation and passed the suggestion to make 101s have access to both onto the devs but who knows if/when they will do that.

Since I've maxed out the DH count for my crz (only have 2 servers) I will be buying a 2nd account and making another DH twink. I could go to another server but I've already settled down on my crz, my guild is there, plus I want to be able to send items and stuff. I've always wanted another account for multiboxing/farming so this was a good excuse to do that.

TL;DR - 2nd artifact quest starts at 102, can only obtain one artifact. Make sure you choose the right spec when making twinks.

This may be common knowledge to some people but if not, now you know.

Thanks for reading!

Tamlord und cdgexe gefällt das.
CanadaConjuredBiscuit7 years ago

I just had a thought about oob and glitches: Would this be considered bug abuse/could we get banned? We're not using it nefariously, only to go fast. But blizzard may see things differently, and we are providing video evidence lol. I'm sure none of us want to jeopardize our accounts doing this, any thoughts?

cdgexe gefällt das.
CanadaConjuredBiscuit7 years ago


Looks good, everything appears to be in order :D

cdgexe gefällt das.
CanadaConjuredBiscuit7 years ago

Wanted to know this as well. What if we put all current runs in the 100% category because that's how we ran them and just move Shiek's over. They have the only true any% run as of now.

cdgexe gefällt das.
CanadaConjuredBiscuit7 years ago

In regards to #2 (heh), could we make it standard to have some timer present in the final video? You can add one in video editing programs afterwards to get frame perfect timing which I have been looking into because I split like a retarded banana.

Geri0n gefällt das.
CanadaConjuredBiscuit7 years ago

I understand much better what's going on now, didn't know there were ruleset changes in the works. Although skipping an entire raid via out of bounds with a demon hunter exclusive toolset appears to break #4. OOB would be fine if any class could make it to the last boss but this isn't the case, and I really don't want all the speedruns to turn into oob glitchfests unless we want to start an any% board or something.

Shiek's run was really fast and well executed, I'm not trying to discount their efforts. But we all have to agree on what is fair and what isn't.

EDIT: That PTR idea sounds interesting, never played on it so I don't know what it's like but if we can make a 110 character and hop right into running I'm game.

I also like the idea of 100% and any% boards, yeah there will be more clutter but they could be organized like the potion and no potion tabs so it wouldn't be too horrible.

cdgexe und Geri0n gefällt das.
CanadaConjuredBiscuit7 years ago

The latest kara run was done in 2 minutes, very impressive. At first I thought it was approved in error because all bosses must be killed for the run to count. Then I read the rules and saw that you can skip any boss/encounter in kara.

This brings me back to a question I had earlier: Why are we allowed to skip 90% of the encounters in this raid but we must kill the fishing boss in SSC? I just don't understand this.

EDIT: Also, why are we allowed to skip any bosses? Seems to undermine the whole point of these speed runs.

Geri0n gefällt das.
CanadaConjuredBiscuit7 years ago

I could help with the guide/make videos if you like. I've been messing around with a few things and know how to obtain them.

Tamlord, cdgexe, und LifeForcePrime gefällt das.
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