11 exit code injection
8 years ago
United States

Hi, just wanted to bring to this community's attention a new route for 11 exit that involves code injections, first run by sethbling: . I also wished to ask a question regarding it, will this count as a new sub category of 11 exit, a brand new category, or will the rules be modified to completely ban this? Thanks in advance for an answer.


welp i think it sould be a misc. category like "11 Exit (Code Injection)" or something like that because i dont see why should we ban this but also i dont think its a clear 11 exits so yeah.

I vote for new misc. category

Gaming_64 und Frikkinfriks14 gefällt das.

we decided that ACE (Arbitrary Code Execution) is not allowed outside of 0 Exit. also there is no point in creating yet another category.

PolObjective und pogyo gefällt das.

ACE is banned in the whole game, except for 0 Exit, so it won't be a new category.

Isn't getting the cloud ACE too?


ACE is also happening when you do cloud, but you're not actually using the ACE.

North Carolina, USA

What volpe said. There is an important distinction. The cloud isn't acquired via ACE. Acquiring cloud leads to an unavoidable ACE that we don't make use of. The community has chosen to allow this distinction in an effort to encourage innovation, since many chuck-eat glitches result in ACE.

333Rich333 und Volpey gefällt das.
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