PC version is allowed here?
5 years ago

PC version is allowed here?

She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

PC version is allowed, it's just really glitchy(and not in a good way) and bad and doesn't even have faster loads than console. I know Ecdycis has ran on PC.

GStacks gefällt das.
Los Angeles, CA, USA

PyramidK allow me for a moment to talk you out of doing PC

You will always be 7 minutes behind because there is an unskippable cutscene exclusive to PS3 and PC In addition to that you will also be victim of crashing all the time, I've had numerous runs crash at many different point in the game. There is also more lag somehow which can get pretty bad on certain sections of this game.

It is doable but infinitely better on XBOX360, But I do understand cost is an issue

GStacks gefällt das.

This game really need a patch for PC (Official or not). He find it hilarious that the game have an option to go to 144hz but it's hard coded to 30.

This version have so many glitches it's ridiculous we need someone like Gemini on this game. Just to fix the map , the FPS , the crashes and controls. The rest is not so bad.

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