Developing a speedrun
6 years ago
Washington, USA

Do you plan on changing your team composition after you get the p3 cast? And if so who would be swapped?

Washington, USA

That makes sense. So it would most likely be Front row: P4MC Kanji Aigis Back row: P3MC Naoto? I know that the team will change in the other persona games based on skills that are needed, so maybe that could also be a possibility?

Île-de-France, France

It was sure from the beginning that Naoto would be used in speedruns (all hama, mudo and megido spells natively learnt). Aegis is a really good tank (life wall spells + high hp) and huge dmg with orgia mode. Kanji does huge dmg and once he learns bestial roar (natively) he can use link spells at max efficiency (which can use any element depending on the sub persona). I don't know which mc should be better but if you plan to get personas awakening you have to lvlup both to 55.

The problem with this party is the lack of healers and buffers/debuffers. If you plan to keep the same party (faster lvl grind) you have to take that into account for the subpersonas fusion route.

One of the best persona in early game is incubus (native toxic slice + impure reach at lvl11).

Final note : we agree that dlc personas are banned ? Which includes the save on sd + sacrifice trick ?

Final final note : is there a discord server for this game ?

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Washington, USA

You could be reliant on sub personas for healing skills. Especially since Naoto would be kinda useless during bosses, which is when you would need the healing anyway.

Also Incubus is really good because impure reach boosts light/dark skills, for some reason and gives the impure reach skill card.

I would agree with saying that dlc stuff shouldn't be allowed.

Île-de-France, France

The reason I brought Incubus is because of the toxic slice + impure reach combo, which guarantees poison to a boss (which is super useful). Another good combo for subpersonas against bosses is binding hands + a magic bind skill (and possibly coupled with an attacker with Punisher). The thing with dlc stuff is that it gives you a lvl92 Magatsu-Izanagi with silent trust and calamity seeds. You can level him up to resist both light and dark and absorb all elements...

But the worst is when you copy the save to sd and erase on the console : it resets the "get them for free" flag, meaning you just infinitely summon Magatsu-Izanagi and Thanatos to sacrifice and power level your subpersonas... That's uberbroken.

Île-de-France, France

Naoto wrecks every normal encounters once she learns mahama/mamudo. You just use her as progression and grinding, until you can powerlvl against FOEs (the golden beetle for instance). You can keep her during bosses i you give her the right subpersona (either incubus or debuff). In endgame, give her mind charge and her megido- spells will wreck bosses. I think you should always keep her (which will lvl her up and upgrade her skills faster).

The party is not hard to make, what I fear is the fusion route.

Washington, USA

I agree that naoto is an integral part of this run. She should be kept on as long as possible. Incubus is all around a pretty good persona considering how all its skills work so well.

Just something curious, is getting 100% on the maps so important? I watched your first episode Thanatoast and I don't really understand why you get the healing stone.

We could make a discord channel for this game, which would make things a bit easier.

Île-de-France, France

Some maps are required to be 100% because of the item it gives : for instance the Recarm and Mind Charge skillcards, and also the labyrinth items needed to craft Zen/Rei's Clock Hand, a weapon that has a chance to ohko (only useful if you plan to put them in endgame, which I actually doubt).

That makes me think : Zen/Rei are useful in early game because they quickly learn all elemental spells, but they're quite weak after that. We should take them for the 1st part (before meeting the other characters) and switch afterward. They have really good buff skills and an ohko ultimate weapon, but I doubt the grind will be worth it, compared to other characters (Naoto, Kanji, Aegis, MCs).

As for the Discord server, I totally agree. Who wants to create and moderate it ?

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Washington, USA

I have set up a discord if either of you want to join If you want to be mods just ask and I'll make you mods


General SMT/Persona speedrunning discord with various games:

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Île-de-France, France

Qunicy ==> the invite link you provided has expired. : /

Thanks Mulsqi for the link.

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