So we need to discuss timing among other things.
3 years ago
Texas, USA

Mulsqi pointed out to me, that among other things, I did end up titling it as All Chapters NG+ which hasn't been what any runs have been. None of the runs done so far have included both Chapter 8 and Special.

So I guess we need to define what's actually being done - the problem with just calling it NG+ is that that's not strictly what's happening and having all chapters unlocked makes it not really work as a NG+.

The options if the goal is just to get to the credits are going to be to either force a NG save (can move old save to the cloud if you don't want to lose it) and start doing any% or we're going to have to define exactly which chapters are done, as well as what that means for timing.

Or you can just do all non-DLC songs back to back instead and not really bother with the story? I dunno, I'm not a runner but there's some issues that need to be resolved in the very near future.

United Kingdom

For what it's worth, I came looking for this game because I'm interested in running all non-DLC songs back to back, I think in a game like this it's much easier to do that than to include VN sections and the like, especially because it might require forcing NG saves to do story related runs.


The issue with just playing the songs back to back is there is absolutely no possibility of any time losses and gains except maybe about a minute's worth of menuing since the actual ranking of the song doesn't matter. Also if your game loads slower than the other runner's (PS4 differences and PS Vita / PS4 obviously) and you'd lose pretty much instantly no matter what. All of the run submissions on the board would just be whatever the songs total to, about 1:40 iirc.

Similar things can be said about the story mode as well.

Add a requirement like King Crazy all of the songs and you'd actually get something which actually requires playing the game decently and would actually lead to some significant variance on the board, at least until the point of King Crazy all of them first try. Would obviously be more interesting on higher difficulties.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 3 years ago
cgordon98 gefällt das.
United Kingdom

Yeah I agree with that, especially because it allows for different leaderboards for each difficulty, adding that they have to be done in one sweep means that it's going to be a while before we see people perfecting them all first time, especially on higher difficulties as you say.

Texas, USA

Sorry apparently I didn't see the messages from earlier. And yeah, admittedly that's the problem with a game like this as a speedrun and kinda something I'd like to see solved before doing too much work on the leaderboard. While it's a good excuse to play through the songs again, as mentioned, I kinda need to understand what people are looking to get out of it so we can go from there in a healthy manner, which atm is basically going to hold the board in a freeze.

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