Error in run verifications and Discord Server?
10 months ago

I've been interested in running this game for a hot minute, but I cant help but notice that some runs are getting errors in their verification process, like for example yesterday a level run was submitted and approved to the complete wrong category, its almost as if it wasn't watched.

I'm also seeing some confusion about a discord server, I'm in the Hello Kitty Speed run server but its not the one linked, Why is this? There was one already with a large amount of the community in, just seems like a waste of time. What's the point of making one when one was already established?

Badgerbar, 97Timbs, und CainCalifornia gefällt das.
Galicia, Spain

Hello, please tell me which run is wrong and it will be corrected immediately.

TheLouieCopeland gefällt das.

The run was quickly sorted and rectified after being brought up by other members of the community. I found out about it via the HKRR Discord server.

But it leads back to how there could be such a massive error that was only fixed after being brought up by the community.

Galicia, Spain

Sorry, my fault, I'll be more attentive to the next runs. Thanks for notifying

TheLouieCopeland gefällt das.
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