Leaderboard Update - IGT Comparison
4 years ago
United Kingdom

In the interest of competition and fairer comparison between runs, I'd like to propose the idea of adding an "IGT" column to the Warpless leaderboard.

IGT which stands for "In-Game Time" can be calculated from the sum of all course times over the run. This is the best comparison which will negate the differences between console lag, load times and region. The course times in CTR are accurate with or without lag, NTSC or PAL.

To be clear, however, this is not to replace the current RTA timing. Rankings will still be decided by RTA, and IGT will simply be for information only. This won't take Hub movement into account, or NTSC pause glitches.

At the moment the easiest way to calculate IGT is inputting your course times into LiveSplit (or your split programme of choice) which will add them up for you. A programme is currently in development to calculate IGT automatically from a video feed, and I'll edit this post once it has been completed and tested.

Initially I'd like to suggest either the top 10 or 20 times have the IGT calculated, or any time which is sub 53:00, but I think it's best to give runners the opportunity to submit their IGT runs if they want to and not have this as a mandatory requirement. This might all go to waste if SR.com doesn't allow optional IGT lol.

This has loosely been mentioned in the Crash Discord and the majority seemed to support the idea, but please post your thoughts in this thread before decision is ultimately made.

Faceoff, Hypnoshark und 2 Andere gefällt das.

I fully support the idea of having IGT as info on the LB. There is no disadvantage in having it and it's nice for comparison!

Natty gefällt das.
Tasmania, Australia

I can vouch that optional IGT is a thing - I do it for another game I mod.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't replace RTA I think this is nothing but a great idea.

Natty gefällt das.
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

I support the idea. What is the situation IGT tool? And is it approved that we could have IGT column? Who are making the desicions?

United Kingdom

The IGT tool has some bugs that need ironing out and some final things added before it's working, but at the moment RedHot has other more important projects to focus on. It hasn't been forgotten and I understand the mods are ready to implement it whenever it's sensible to do so.

Ahvena gefällt das.

I definitely support this idea, hopefully we can see this becoming a thing asap!

It's such a shame seeing runs like 6at's run so low on the LB's considering how good it is in IGT. Runs like that deserve some recognition and the IGT column would definitely show some respect to runs like 6at's in that regard.

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