Categories questions
1 year ago

Hey, I was considering doing some runs of this, but the rules seem to be way too specific and restrictive, like you have to show way too many things in order for the run to be verified. I get that this game can be easily exploited, but there are so many requirements it gets confusing. So I was wondering if I could avoid recording my hand during a no exploit run since it would be a bit of trouble setting it up. Also, is the exploits category really necessary? I mean, there are exploits that would basically make the game play on it's own/press 1 button to win, which doesn't really work for a leaderboard, specially since it says "changing the game's code" counts as an exploit. It really isn't a very competitive category, since it has very little to none gameplay. So imo it should be deleted. Finally, I was wondering what does the Mobile category mean: Am I supposed to download an emulator and play it on my phone. Any of the 3 versions? Or is there an specific version designed for mobile? Also, again, I would be having trouble recording a hand cam for this category, since I'd record the hand with my phone in other categories, but in this one I need the phone to record it's own gameplay.

So yeah just wanted to throw these questions/suggestions. I'll probably do the runs anyway but I wanted to see if it was possible to make it easier for me to setup and prepare the runs, and also make the leaderboards look better and be more accesible / less confusing. Thanks.

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