Vaan Mapping and Jumps
1 year ago
United States

So community member Vaan has come up with a neat little thing, but it's a little weird category wise, so I'm looking to gauge the temperature of the community on it.

If you press the two directions of a diagonal movement on two different input devices as understood by Crystal Project (one keyboard, one controller, typically), you move faster than if you press those same two directions at once on one device.

Thanks to mapping software, you can put both keyboard and controller inputs (as understood by Crystal Project) on one controller (it's possible other mapping software could let you put them on one keyboard as well, but Steam's native mapping software appears to be controller-only). One simple example of this would be to map controller up to the W or Up key, controller down to the S or Down key, controller left to controller left, and controller right to controller right, as shown here:

Movement still seems bounded by the same maximum speed in cardinal directions: this only allows you to get the same speed in both cardinal directions along the diagonal. For example, attempts to make cardinal direction long jumps (such as the legendary tar to castle w/an owl) are no more successful here because it doesn't break speed along cardinal directions.

The question, then is where these two tech uses should live in terms of categories/variables: Is this a one player two controllers thing inherently? If it isn't, is it unrestricted (our current maximal options category), all categories, a new category, or a variable on a category? And should we require one use the two devices (which would imply hand camera verification) or allow controller mapping for 1-1 inputs? What restrictions/enforcement/verifications on controller mapping would be necessary, if any other than just '1-1 in-game buttons'?

United States

Alright then: after discussion on the discord, for the moment, unrestricted has been renamed from 'XP' to all extended options and controller-keyboard mapping as described above is only allowed in unrestricted. I've added a variable to track peoples' usage of the technique, and if people want to treat it, instead, as a different axis than 'standard - unrestricted', we can absolutely revisit it and make it a true category distinction.

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