1 year ago
United States

What are the skips for chapter one? I can only find the obby skip but in the rules it says there is a code room skip.

obby skip is really the only one used

code skip is a very useful skip that can be done legitimately but can also be faked very easily (in ways i wont get into so that way it cant be replicated)

because of how easily it can be faked, we decided to not allow it

Edited by the author 1 year ago
California, USA

banned my glitch in an any%


glitches are NOT allowed silly guy

California, USA

then its not any%

I also made a video on how to do the glitch years ago

Edited by the author 11 months ago

how did you not understand that arxi's response was sarcasm

also you can fake the skip in 2 minutes

the only way i could allow this is only letting you do is if the submitted footage started when you joined the server to confirm that you couldnt have set it up before hand. i can make that rule change if you like.

Ronoc_High_King likes this

i completely forgot i allowed it a few months ago but no one uses it. i will clarify that you need to have full footage from when you join the server until when you finish the run

United States

the loading zone glitch is still allowed you said?

United States

also can someone tutorial on obby thingy

United States

how obby skip lol

ill make a guide for it

United States

im getting slightly more consistent with it but just need it in a run

United States

and a good run to support it

United States

@lemoncoughdrop i made my character to tall

too tall? how would you make it taller than mine was?

United States

also could you verify my NMG run? just asking

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Chapter 2 Rule Change

Chapter 2 rules have changed and time ends at the first frame of the button at the end being red :)

1 month ago
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