Burn Spark Techniques
Burn Spark Techniques
Updated 3 years ago by feeline0

Gaia-Sophia can do a fast long-jump by using the Burn Spark's momentum. This is done simply by using Burn Spark and jumping while the animation is playing and your directional inputs are neutral. This is called a Burn Jump. Pressing forward at any point during the jump cancels the technique and resets you to driving speed. Going backward will snap you in the opposite direction and your horizontal momentum will be greatly reduced.

Learn to resist the impulse to go backward while performing this trick. The key to stopping accurately is to move forward about two or three Sophia lengths before your destination, depending on your current hight. If you do the jump and hit the ground in neutral, Sophia will roll forward until her inertia is spent. Jumping about halfway through the animation will net you the most distance. Delaying your jump towards the end or even right after the animation will still carry you forward, although much more slowly. At the extreme end of the spectrum, you'll actually jump slower than driving speed. This does not effect jump height and it's still possible to short hop.

When performing this trick, you have two options for maintaining speed: Burn Gliding and Burn Hopping. To Glide, you simply hover in the middle of a Burn Jump. This minimizes drag so you can maintain speed longer but it's very expensive in terms of SP. Burn Hopping is performed by jumping as soon as you land from a Burn Jump or Glide. A portion of your speed is lost each time but it is significantly less than what you would lose otherwise. The same control principles of Burn Jumping apply to these two evolutions.

Stranga is where this technique was developed and is a good place to practice is, particularly near the overworld arena or in the north seed room.

Correction: As it turns out, this was discovered a whole year ago and posted about in the forums. I never really paid attention to old forum posts because technique seemed way out of my league until recently, so I ended up figuring this out on my own anyway. With that said, Saenar deserves the credit for discovering it (although I would like to think I've refined it into a more useful strat).

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