ValhallaPLANET6 months ago


ValhallaPLANET2 years ago

Can the game full admin or series admin add MS-DOS/DOS as a platform (shown below the title, and beside "Flashback series") please? : P It's actually missing there (after 3 years or so? : P)

ValhallaPLANET3 years ago

Browsed through the Wikia and I suppose I could contribute when I have the occasion to play the original Lands of Lore again, as there are some things to correct/add that I've found. Not many, but then again I've only looked on the surface pretty much.

SpymasterCosades المعجبون بهذا
ValhallaPLANET4 years ago

Oooooooh, boy, that's a goood one : D Especially the ending, cracked me up. I think it should work consistently (aside of the crash), because IIRC maps are stored in different memory areas.

So you're saying that if you just entered Yvel you cannot simply skip to Catwalk's directly using the above trick?

ValhallaPLANET5 years ago

Well, in this case the right mouse button can be bound to mousewheel (up or down) to ease up that spam click : )

ValhallaPLANET5 years ago

This is a bug currently happening on src side (and for quite some time, too). The runs are still submitted, though.

ValhallaPLANET5 years ago

Hey Djeez, looking forward to that 35:55 : )

As for the hex thangs: been there, but to way lesser extent (Scotia editor helps a lil bit), but alas I feel it's not my style. Had some discoveries (none important speedrun-wise) in a normal play and still love this game, but I'm not sure if even try my hand at speedrunning it. Nevertheless, you're all doing a great job here so it's a pleasure to watch : )

ValhallaPLANET5 years ago

As in the title. Those platforms are missing so obviously it actually hurts.

ValhallaPLANET5 years ago

Hey @kvkbones, hoping that you'll come back : )

Also, it would be really great if you could make further videos on the things you've mentioned. I think I can speak for all of us that we would be really grateful

misterprmiller و jenx تُحب هذا
ValhallaPLANET5 years ago

Absolutely, man. I'm really excited, since it sounds groundbreaking. I'm not sure if creating a new category would be in order - or rather incorporating these strategies into the any% category - but that's a matter of comparison. It's really a great find so yes, please, share this information. Especially given what a gem this game is, every bit of information counts : O I've harassed this game thouroughly (or it seemed!) in various ways, both normally and using the Scotia editor, but never bumped into such good stuff. Congratulations on those finds! And yes, I'm all in for the tutorial too. Thank you in advance! : )

misterprmiller المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET5 years ago


Regarding the above post I'd like to leave a short statement about what happened. Sadly at some point of time I've discovered a tool that allows changing the probability of random encounters happening, from a default once per 65 game tics (a tic is an in-game smallest possible time unit, a measurement depending both on hardware and software configuration) to a maximum of once per 255 (so in other words, random encounters could happen 4 times less often), tinkered around with the first game map containing rats (of which one is behind a non-visible wall, so potentially could be skipped) and with character creation file (partial immunity to electric fields that are inside the military base, giving more chances of lower damage). Problem is, I didn't limit to only playing around with the above, but went a step further and used them in some runs.. Probably an effect of running this way too much (literally thousands of runs over a short period of time). I should have let people know that there's such a tool/possibility, that could probably lead to a sensible discussion or eg create a separate category, alas I didn't do that. I eventually removed the runs (myself, if anybody wondered) from the leaderboards when the shit hit the fan, but that was obviously too little, too late. For everyone that had faith in me, I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm not happy at all about what happened but it did ; I'm sorry. My thanks go to Ewil for contacting me (sorry I didn't say anything at that time), Fex for meeting after such a long time passed (and way more), Pawlik for contacting me, helping with the stream details and more, 30Cents for getting back in touch, and last but not least, guys from our Polish community, you're all great. This whole thing actually has an wider context, but everybody's got their own conscience, so I won't be talking about anybody else.

Thank you for hearing me out.

ValhallaPLANET6 years ago

Submitting fresh 3:09 that's not using the points glitch (and yes, it could be possible to go below 3 minutes even without it.. although very difficult), probably gonna work on it further, however I feel that the above mentioned "point transfer" is still a relevant topic.

misterprmiller المعجبون بهذا
ValhallaPLANET6 years ago

Hello everybody!

It's nice to see that there are quite a few people running this game! : )

But first things first, thank you mr. Reverend for starting the hype, I really admire what you're doing : )

While speaking of running the game itself.. I'd like to ask a question about one thing that troubled me greatly. Precisely, this: "Also, the well known stat-glitch in QFG1VGA that allowed you pretty much infinite points is NOT allowed.".

Thing is.. There was no mention of it in the rules, or precisely, there was this big "ALL GLITCHES AND EXPLOITS ARE WELCOMED!" sign hanging around ; p I've noticed (alas after recording and uploading my run...) that you, mr. Reverend recorded a separate category with using lots of points, and that was the only thing that stopped me from actually submitting my run...

And the problem is, I've taken a different, sensible approach, too. None of the skills points went below 1 (ie, no 0 or minus value), so I practically redistributed the points (rather then spammed the minus value into oblivion to get pretty much as many points as wanted). It still wasn't enough to skip the bear and the thieves' talk - going brute force through the valley of brigands was too hard (suffice to say, even with some magic and building up strength on the open rock, still could kill only 2 of them (and that was hard enough already)) - the troll would be probably even worse - but saved the grinding on moving the stone. So the run is stll based on the classic any% route (Zara-bear cave-password-secret tunnel-end) and stands at 3:08, but with lots of practice could potentially go below 3 minutes. There are some small new things in this run, too (three or so). I did spend quite some work and time on it too, I'm afraid.

Please let me know if redistributing the points is OK and can I submit this run/make it public on YT.

At the same I'd like to propose to add the category with the "maximum points" glitch to the speedrun.com table, since I would like to record and submit it too : )

Lots of luck! : )

misterprmiller المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: The Site
ValhallaPLANET7 years ago

Zecora_MLP_1: it's good that you have your own opinion, but you also watch ponies so that defines it, kappa

موضوع: The Site
ValhallaPLANET7 years ago

Refresh the page... it won't be much better tho.

موضوع: The Site
ValhallaPLANET7 years ago

Mr. Klashik:

While I generally agree, it's not like we're given a real choice, but instead we've been thrown into this situation with no testing before the change whatsoever.

Shouldn't the community be noted that "a new version/layout of the site will be taking over soon, please check it out @ new.speedrun.com and share your impressions to make the new site even better" ? Well, we haven't (to speak for the whole), or I did miss something.

On a side note, the mobile site (that has been the main aim if I understand correctly) requires MUCH more scrolling and is frankly, terrible on the user-side. The previous version needed just zooming which the users were, I assume, pretty fine with. MAYBE users with QHD screens will find it ok, but on an HD screen it's simply worse and I'm personally not ok with this.

While we're at it - maybe the new site is (much) better on the server- or admin- side. This would be good because it would allow for more flexible changes and in general, easier life for the admin and mod guys. But that doesn't mean the end side enjoys the positive changes over the negative changes.

My question: will the old layout be possible to select in final version?

(from any knowledge or experience, it won't, but please give us a solid confirmation). Thanks!

TheGlitched64 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: The Site
ValhallaPLANET7 years ago

Dear Pac,

I think there is a sensible solution to this.

For the time being more is broken than fixed, so .. could we revert to the old layout (or at least allow us to select the old layout) AND allow people to betatest the new layout, so it can be much more optimized?

For example under www.new.speedrun.com ?

Please consider that. I'm not against changes if they are in the right direction, but suffice to say I use speedrun.com on mobile too, and ... it both looks worse and is less functional there, too.

Thank you.

Really_Tall, WilliamBarrows و 22 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
ValhallaPLANET7 years ago

Well, duh, just compare:

https://postimg.org/image/gkuks3zpt/ to https://postimg.org/image/ormmsub9d/


https://postimg.org/image/3knhiko01/ to https://postimg.org/image/4iqvlm4s7/

...no comments...

Please let people decide which layout they want to use ... alternative themes don't change the situation.

Despatche و JeedUnit تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
ValhallaPLANET7 years ago


  1. Rules are not shown by default, even the option to show them by default is gone.
kobepilgrim و DeNN1Sk0 تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
ValhallaPLANET7 years ago


I would like to be more optimistic, but the new design only has one thing better so far: tabs for the run categories.

For the worse things:

  1. No comment (if present) when hovering mouse over a run.
  2. Spacing is just. horribly. wrong... the new design is just so stretched it doesn't feel web 2.0, it feels like a beta version, sorry to say that but that's the truth : /
  3. There is a strange font in several places, like the runs awaiting verification.

Runs are still not opening in a new window (regardless if we right click and choose open in new tab or window, or ctrl+ or shift+ click. Statistics are still f¤¤¤ed up - need to change the zoom level first to see it correctly (Chrome) Messages are still not implemented, surely would help a GREAT deal.

Those are just the first impressions... I surely would like it to be better, but for now - allow us to select the old layout... Thank you.

kobepilgrim و DeNN1Sk0 تُحب هذا
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