

Midnight Mastodons here. We just released our first game, Redemption at Outpost 56, as part of a recent game jam on itch.io and would love comments and feedback on what works and what doesn't. We'd especially like to hear from speedrunners.

Redemption is a NES-inspired platformer, with some "Metroidvania" elements tossed in as well. The player must navigate an abandoned outpost, filled with traps and enemies, while collecting four data disks that will prove their innocence. Also included is around 30-45 minutes of gameplay, an awesome soundtrack, and challenge that will appeal to both casual and hardcore gamers.

Give it a try and let us know what you think! --Team MM


نبذة عن MidnightMastodons
تاريخ الانضمام
7 years ago
عبر الإنترنت
7 years ago
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