Midboss' Runs
5 years ago

Midboss has admitted to playing and enjoying The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time Randomizer. In light of this, every one of his past runs has come under intense scrutiny, since only a complete idiot incapable of basic motor function would find a randomizer playable let alone fun. Note that this is not conclusive or even convincing proof, but the Turbo Turtle Adventure community has decided to act upon it anyway, as we (as a community) are somehow even dumber than Midboss.

Currently, Midboss' runs are on the any% leaderboards in 1st place, with the "pauses" flag to indicate that pause buffering d-pad input was used. Since this is obviously cheating, an extra column was added noted that the run was performed using cheats. Effective immediately, a new boolean column will be added, "Plays Randomizers", which will show the current state of affairs as noted above. Note that in spite of all available evidence, Midboss' run will not be removed from the leaderboard, as the community feels as a community that being pubically known to play randomizers is ultimately a worse punishment.

pimittens و PvtCb تُحب هذا

Update: recent incriminating logs have been found suggesting that speedrunner devteam may also be guilty of the crime of playing randomizers. The community will hold a closed ballot to determine whether or not said logs incriminate said players of said crimes.

The full log will be saved here for posterity:

[00:38:59] <devteam> im playing oot rando right now [00:38:59] <devteam> lol

Enzor, pimittens, و PvtCb تُحب هذا

Due to recent allegations that have come to light, the TTA moderation staff has decided to remove Midboss' time from the leaderboards in a closed door meeting that we recorded and then immediately destroyed the tapes of. Any attempts to recover the tapes by rooting through my trash at night will be met with a swift and permanent leaderboard ban, which has already been rubber stamped for several raccoons in the area.

dunewacky, Enzor, و devteam تُحب هذا
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