Any bored ToS glitch hunters?
1 year ago
Illinois, USA

Or maybe this is already known, just not in the google doc.

So, I don't really speedrun this game or anything, I've just played it casually many many times. About 10 years ago, I encountered a really odd glitch in Hakonesia Peak. There's some sort of text option that comes up, something about "Releasing the seals comes first" vs "(some other option)" (I don't remember the exact choices but point is it was the point where you can choose from 2 text options). Anyway, I was able to move around freely during this. Moving up or down would both move Lloyd and would change which text option you're on. This was before getting the pass to get past the guards (I did the Palmacosta-first route), but I guess since I was in a cutscene, the guards didn't stop me when I moved past them. I pressed A to select whichever text option I was on. I don't recall how the cutscene played out after that, but I wasn't able to go back down, since I pressed A when I was above the guards. I've always wondered how that happened, never have experienced it otherwise in my dozens of playthroughs. I don't really understand how glitches like this happen, how I would go about figuring out how it works, or whether it would be useful in any way (maybe it could allow you to move during other cutscenes with similar text options?), but I hope I have given enough information that someone could look into it (or just tell me what happened if it's already known lol). If nobody else does, I'll get around to it someday, but about 10 years have gone by without me bothering to figure it out so I couldn't make any promises on making a breakthrough anytime soon.

Dominican Republic

Sounds interesting problem is we go Palma route second in speed runs so maybe someone could just figure it out for fun.

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