Instant Action Saga #2 Hunt
Instant Action Saga #2 Hunt
تم التحديث 6 years ago من lako3000

Friendly Fire = OFF Enemy Icons = ON ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Endor Strategy

  • Empire
  • Stand on the edge of this log as seen in this picture
  • Whilst getting to the position make sure your killing as many Ewoks as possible but don’t go out of your way because that’s what wastes time.
  • Time to get lucky with God RNG
  • A good time for this level is around 2:30 – 2:40 Mins


Geonosis Strategy

  • Republic
  • Walk or run to this position and then continue to shoot down the enemy with precision and amazing aim
  • Killing Geonosians is only slightly faster than killing the republic so you really need to have goo aim
  • A good time for this level is around 1:15-1:20 Min


Hoth Strategy

  • Rebels
  • Vanguard
  • Mines and pistol equipped and run to the hanger
  • Try to group up yettis and throw a mine to get as many as possible, repeat 3 times (4 for console).
  • Proceed to shoot yetis for headshots for the rest of the score you need
  • Pray you don’t die :D
  • A good time for this level is around 1:08 – 1:15 Min


Kashyyk (The droid attack on the wookies) Strategy

  • Run towards the place where CP 1 normally is and attack wookies from just outside the gate (they should be running out at a constant rate is good rng) Then when its safe, walkin in and attack them right on their spawn.
  • Pray to not die because wookies are op
  • A good time for this level is around 1:10 Min


Naboo Im gonna run through both strats here and you can pick which you like because I find them to be very similar if rng is good Strategy 1 (safe)

  • CIS
  • Run straight down the middle of command post 4’s usual spot while shooting gungans
  • Reach the area around the gate and just kill more gungans, pretty straight forward.
  • Decent time is around 50 sec to 1 min

Strategy 2 (risky but faster)

  • Gungans
  • Spawn and run towards the end gates and throw grenades on cis spawn points and small groups of cis units
  • If your lucky they will spawn and group up and you will ace it

That’s Hunt%, hope you enjoyed it and grinded out the rng for a neat time. Let me know if there are any faster strats than these and I will test and update this document.


Mos Eisley In Depth Guide (Thanks to DrFaithless for creating this little in depth analysis of Mos Eisley :D)

The new Strategy found by DrFaithless and Lako3000.

This new strategy for Mos Eisley saves around 30 seconds and maybe more in the future. Since we have only just discovered its faster to use tuskens on August the 4th. we are currently trying to get the Percentage(%) of where abouts Jawa's Spawn off the start and after death, since both Myself and Lako think Mos Eisley spawn Ai's in waves, which leads to maybe being able to Manipulate the spawns in Said places, for example were currently testing a route of where the jawa's spawn in a bundle at their Command post and then respawn in mid-section of the map, each time we have done this it has worked the same with at least 5-6+ of the grouped Jawa's Spawning Mid after death. although sometimes this can be inaccurate and only 0-4 will spawn mid and they can bundle at where CP 2 is on Conquest, I have only seen this while checking the radar and Free Camera, so far in testing. This strategy has a lot of pros and cons.

Some of the pros being: • its faster, • easier movement, • Generally, just not having to play as damn jawa's. • Easy to lock down spawns Now some of the Cons are: • it CAN be inconsistent at Times due to Jawa's AI when you're not on their team is questionable • Potential time loss to RNG • Possibly unsafe for less skilled runners of the category • Difficult to Execute, easy to die Using the in-game Map helps.

A Quick Breakdown on the periodic Route:

1: Select Team Tusken 2: Spawn as 'Tusken Hunter' 3: Depending on Spawn point run to the closest Notable spawn point Usually a CP from conquest or the Hunt CP but there's a graph below I made to help (make sure you check your radar it helps a lot) 4: Scout the map quickly Finding a bundle of Jawa's which spawned together, killing Jawa's on the way 5: Instead of ADS (Aiming down sights) try hip firing at all times as its faster but if you must ADS at some point feel free to do so as it's not that much of a time loss as long as you don’t do it too much

A Good time for the map is a 2:15

The following information should be read along with taking a look at these images:

The first thing you probably realize is the Bundle of Spawn Around the Jawa's Command post on side streets this is the Best place to go off the start from our testing. I have done some percentage of Spawns off the start.

Percentage% of Jawa's start spawn per location from 100 map test: Side Streets: 58% Outer Ring: 3% Centre point: 22% High streets: 6% Back Streets:11%

Although this is just the Starting spawns we have also worked out that as the battle goes on around 60% of the time within 1 minutes to 1 minute 30 seconds the Jawa's AI bundle together at location 'centre Point' ( I know its spelled 'center' it didn’t sound cool) which we previously knew before this Strategy discovery. Since the Jawa's only bindle 60% of the time around Centre point within the stated time here some other places they seem to spawn bundle:

Command post 2 Around command post 6 Top half of High street/ command post 3 By the Tusken command post and conquest command post 4 On the route to back streets just above 'centre point' shown below so people are not confused.

Video guide on the Mos Eisley strategy

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