7 years ago
Delaware, USA

ive been starting to be more self-competitive with IL's and just personally doing IL's and i was thinking it might be a really cool idea for this game :D

CapnSR المعجبون بهذا

I would personally love to see this as well, the mods really need to see this.

Graystripe المعجبون بهذا
Manitoba, Canada

would love this, maybe could you mod some of the current runners of this game. people who are more active.


i don't think this is a bad idea, it should be considered, but its not just up to me, and i already know ppl who thinks otherwise... and right now, i don't think its well defined, like which LV should we considered? only the first 3 or all of them? how many LVs are there? how interesting/complicated would it be to keep tracks of and verify ILs time for a game like DK? etc...


here's my suggestion, and that apply for any category for any game that you guys would like to run... make it a reality 1st and then ask for it... meaning, if you want to run ILs, go for it, record some runs of it, and make it popular among the community, and then it may become a reality...

that will help define the category (in terms or ruling/timing. etc) as well as probing the community's interest to said caterogy...

for exemple, i would like to see a 1up% or 100K%, but until i make runs of it, and manage to make it popular enough, it won't become a category simply cuz i had the idea that it could be interesting, simply cuz i wish there was one...

see what i'm saying here? so here's my msg to you guys: run the games you want, the way you want, and eventually, if you get enough attention on what you're doing, if you generate enough "buzz" around something, it will become aknowledged... but if like me you run games/categories that nobody cares about, as long as you're having fun, that's what matters, getting boards presence and official ranking should be secondary!! ;D

so if DK's ILs runs become interesting enough, one day it will become an official category, just remember that mods on this site are not in place to prevent you from having fun and recognition, we're at the service of the community, and if something like the addition of a new category is reasonable and required, it will happen... just be patient and put the effort in it...

Beck المعجبون بهذا
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