Pessimism2 months ago

Hello everyone. There are some big changes coming to Resident Evil HD Remaster. The first big change is we are going to be moving from IGT to LRT. This change is happening so all players are on an even playing field regardless of their PC specs. The way the LRT works is the timer will pause during the door loads and the cutscenes. This is where high end cpus give the runner their advantages. IGT will be a variable available on the board. We want to thank TheDementedSalad for creating this LRT for the community.

Now here is the second big change. Due to how the LRT works, vanilla runs aren't losing 6.5 seconds per door which makes it comparable to doorskip runs. This effectively removes the need to separate vanilla and DS. Analog skating does not hold enough weight to have separate categories that will be identical in terms of the route. If any runner wants to use doors, they can now analog skate. Runners that wish to run the game "pure" can still use doors and mash if they want. Runners who want to use doors WILL NOT be at a disadvantage. Runners who want to mash WILL be at a disadvantage. Showing your inputs will be required for any submission.

Every run will be retimed to fit the new LRT. TheDementedSalad created an ASL that only tracked the loads on the doors. Several runners did tests so that we could find the medians required to retime these runs. The results can be found on a chart below.

I should mention that the medians found for runs with the old doorskip were just off of my machine. No active runner uses the old doorskip, so finding people to test would have been difficult. Additionally, Salad made another ASL that paused during the cutscenes as well as the doors so we were able to find out exactly how much time we must subtract when it comes to cutscenes. The amount of doors shown below might seem a little off, but the game sees several rooms as one big room, therefore it doesnt split when going through said doors. The LRT still pauses on those doors so that had to be put in the equation.

Runners that have submissions in both vanilla and DS, we will take the fastest time between the two and put it on the board.

We know that this system is not 100% flaw free, but we do believe that competitive integrity is on the line with these changes.

You can find all of the LRT calculations under this post. Feedback is much appreciated. We will begin work on the boards this week.

lockdown.exe, keidakennedy and 8 others like this
Pessimism1 year ago

Greetings. It is highly recommended that you download Eleval's practice tool and use the door skip that comes with his tool. It is significantly faster than the FluffyQuack mod. While we do not have an exact time save between the two mods, saving close to two minutes is generally agreed upon. It is on the resource page. Myself and several other runners have tested it thoroughly and there are no issues such as crashes. Eleval plans on updating it with a few more features. IF you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask. Happy running!

AkiBread, Kenjamin and 4 others like this
Pessimism3 years ago

Hello everyone.

Starting on April 26th, all runs submitted to the doorskip categories must have inputs showing. We have come to this decision because of a remapping method that allows runners to achieve ridiculous skating speeds while not having to "perform" any motions. Runners should have to "perform" to earn their analog skating speeds.

Failure to show inputs when submitting to the doorskip categories will result in your submission getting rejected.

Here is a video showing the remapping method which will not be accepted on these boards. Thanks MajorJigglin for recording this for us!

That being said, here are two remapping methods that are accepted here. It is definitely encouraged to use one of these methods depending on your controller preference. Xbox Controllers: PS Controllers:

As for showing your inputs, here is a helpful site!

Thanks for reading this and good luck running!

Diamonddogez, lockdown.exe and 9 others like this
Pessimism3 years ago

Greetings. I'm curious to know what the mods think about allowing the doorskip mod on the boards after testing. Cheers!

Diamonddogez, Anth1n and 9 others like this
Pessimism4 years ago

Greetings. I have an idea I would like to run by the community. I propose that this category should lose the Easy/Normal/Hard tabs and the default difficulty should be Easy. This idea came to me when I went to route the health pickups for an Easy run. My reasons are the chances of a single segment run being completed are drastically increased on Easy compared to Normal/Hard. I believe that this could bring in some Knife runners as well. Considering people won't have to constantly reset on the Train, Facility, and the Bat in hopes to get a very good segment. I understand Yami and Liv have put effort into their times, but I believe this is a good step forward regarding this game for speedrunning. I believe this should definitely be considered and discussed between the community. Thanks for your time!

RapixOnGaming likes this
Pessimism5 years ago

Hello. If the other super mods could find someone to replace me that would be great. I've already unmodded myself.

Pessimism5 years ago

Greetings. Does anyone know if they tool works with the Chinese update? If not, does anyone know if Yami will update it? Thank you for your time.

Pessimism6 years ago

Hello. I'm currently learning Crash 1. So I exit the first level with 2 masks. However, when I enter the second level, the second mask is gone and I can't get invincibility. Not sure what's going on. Thanks for your time!

BashyCake likes this
Pessimism7 years ago

Is this allowed? I don't see why this wouldn't be legal, but I'd prefer to get the okay before doing so. Thanks for your time.

Pessimism8 years ago

If so, what emulator is preferred?

Pessimism8 years ago

Hello. Is there a specific emulator that must be used? If not, can someone let me know which emu runs the game the best. Cheers!

NoobKillerRoof likes this
About Pessimism
9 years ago
Games run
Resident Evil (Remake)
Resident Evil (Remake)
Last run 2 years ago
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil Zero
Last run 2 years ago
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Steam)
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Console)
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2
Last run 6 years ago
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Games followed
Resident Evil (Remake)
Resident Evil (Remake)
Last visit 10 months ago
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Steam)
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Steam)
Last visit 8 months ago
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Console)
Resident Evil (Remake) Category Extension
Games moderated
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Steam)
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Steam)
Last action 1 month ago
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Console)