主题: Don't Starve
SwedenVanakyria11 months ago

Nice to see this finally being sorted out.

I pretty much stopped running this game after there were accusations that my runs weren't legitimate, and the mods at the time stopped verifying anything as a result (not just my runs).

Gonnar Guille6785 喜欢这个
主题: Don't Starve
SwedenVanakyria5 years ago

@MisutoM @oddtom

I feel I should make a comment here, since there seems to be some questions about the runs I have posted.

First of all, I do speedruns without a timer present. Any timer in the videos has been added afterwards, so the notion that I broke all the records on my first try is false. The videos on my channel are merely the first runs I deemed worthy to put a timer on and upload for others to see, they are by no means my first attempts.

I don't rush to upload every single run I do or every time I break my personal best. I generally do a lot of tries on any particular category or categories, and only get around to timing my successful runs over weekends, so usually that's when I upload them. Usually several at a time if I've been running multiple categories.

As for camera rotations. As evident by my runs I walk using the 'W' key almost exclusively, that forces me to rotate the camera so "forward" is up on my screen. I don't care about the alignment of the waterline only the direction I am walking in. Also, different runs call for different strategies. Sometimes this requires me to change the style of play, and as I don't upload trial runs where I test out new ideas, you only get to see the one result of those runs I actually find good enough to upload (Almost exclusively one that breaks a current record if one is present).

For the specific Spider Queen video I'm not sure what your problem is. There's absolutely no evidence that there's a wormhole in that direction as you clearly stated. The only reason I went in that direction is simple: The initial "up" direction has a lot of impassable water so I rotate left (where there is land, right would only have more water). After 3 rotations I see more water. Obviously I'm standing in a corner and there's only a 90 degree angle of movement I can go, so I rotate back right and start walking (no point in following the water as it usually wastes half a screen of exploration only showing water. Especially since the initial target was a Treeguard kill, but since I add timers afterwards the video doesn't reflect that). After 5 steps I spot a wormhole in the top left corner and go for it. Who wouldn't? The fact that that particular run had a Spider Queen setpiece on the other end is just luck.

Guille6785 oddtom 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
SwedenVanakyria5 years ago


I've submitted a couple of runs for the game "Invisible, Inc.". It's been over a month now and the only moderator for the game hasn't been logged on to the site for over 2 months. I can't contact him on either twitter or discord since he seems to have deleted his accounts there. How would I go about getting my runs verified in this case?

YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
SwedenVanakyria5 years ago

Go for it, obviously. It's the only way to start competition on those leaderboards. Someone has to be first.

SwedenVanakyria5 years ago

Hello everyone!

I've been playing games since, well, quite some time. I started out on the NES and never stopped playing. Mostly I play RPGs, strategy games and the occasional platform or puzzle game. I've been doing challenge runs of games for quite some time, but only recently decided to start recording and streaming them. So I figured, why not try speedrunning a few games?

See you around!

  • Vana
Dakendude 喜欢这个
5 years ago
11 months ago
Don't Starve
Don't Starve
最近一次游戏记录 5 years ago
Don't Starve: Shipwrecked
Don't Starve: Shipwrecked
最近一次游戏记录 5 years ago
Invisible, Inc.
Invisible, Inc.
最近一次游戏记录 5 years ago
Prince of Persia (SNES)
Prince of Persia (SNES)
最近一次游戏记录 5 years ago
Invisible, Inc.
Invisible, Inc.
最近一次操作 11 months ago