BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

Requem is not acceptable for PSX/360 categories.

BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

You don't need the category to be on a board to run it: https://www.speedrun.com/sotn/thread/8k17g

Rhoasckm MASH 喜欢这个
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

By taking away all of the fun?

MASH 喜欢这个
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

Proposed timing method for loads:

  • Every area load, internal load and boss load gets removed from the first duplicated frame up to and including the black frame before the first faded in frame.
  • Second castle warp load gets removed from the frame when white teleportation animation around maria disappears up to and including the last frame where that same animation is there in 2nd castle.

For now we will put times without loads inn the time column and put RTA in the comments. It is definitely not the desired way to do it, but there has been some conflicting reports about how turning on the integrated loadless time or IGT columns may affect an already populated leaderboard. Until I know for sure that it won't wrongly affect nearly 1000 runs I won't use that.

主题: The Site
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

Yea it would be a bit jank, but would be a working solution. That's why I made this thread first to know for sure.

主题: The Site
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

There was a thread that said enabling times without loads will switch every currently submitted time to times without loads. I absolutely want to avoid something like that from happening.

主题: The Site
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

We want to change the timing for a single category (variable subcategory) to loads-removed on a leaderboard without affecting the others. We also want to keep track of RTA for it. From the looks right not it is not possible to use the built-in feature for just one category and turning it on for the whole game seems to reportedly have some catastrophic consequences due to poor implementation.

What would be the best solution for this without risking bricking the whole board? Would enabling IGT and using that field work? How does timing priority work? I don't want to turn it on just to test it. I am also hesitant to do so in case all the current times, which are RTA, get irreversibly shifted over to IGT for some reason. Safest bet seems to be for us to use the time field for the load-removed times and put RTA in the comments, though obviously not being presented very well.

主题: The Site
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

Should be able to switch "Separate load times" on for a category or variable instead of the whole game.

diggity MASH 喜欢这个
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

That pretty much sums it up. I found it by frame counting videos to see why the clock statue opened faster for some. Asked a few people to send me 10 minute videos sitting in the clock room and stuff like that. We still don't know why it opens as fast for dr4gonblitz as it does for the European console, since his is confirmed to output at 59.94, yet seems to run as if it is 60. It doesn't help that they are all just designated "Xbox 360 Slim".

miba 喜欢这个
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

Just a side point to clarify something, 360 does not have consistent performance. European 360s run the game at 60 fps, due to having 60hz output, while NA ones do 59.94. Additionally some 360 seem to load drastically faster than others and some even have lag.

主题: The Site
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

Seems like it is a solution to me, since absolutely nobody does read them. Yea they should, obviously, but they don't. That part aside, I feel like there should be a system to notify runners that a category's rules have been updated outside of a forum post, which they might not even see if they don't follow the game.

主题: The Site
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

People basically never read the rules, so it would be useful to have a page that makes them read the rules when they go to submit a run. Would happen once per user per category and would only reappear for them if the rules are updated.

主题: The Site
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

This comes up every few months, but subcategory url routing or a better way to organize leaderboards seems like it should be among the priorities.

Imaproshaman 喜欢这个
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

There is no such thing as a PS2 version. Use Bizhawk when you run. Also if you stream your attempts live the full emulator window rule does not apply.

Razorflame 喜欢这个
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

What emulator do you use? What category are you interested in running? We are in the middle of redoing some emulation rules and the safest bets at the moment are Bizhawk and Mednafen.

Razorflame 喜欢这个
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

Are you using Bizhawk? Also why would you not be able to do that?

主题: The Site
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

I don't think assuming everyone is male is the predominantly case though. Especially in the small speedrunning community, where there are plenty of trans people. As I pointed out before there are things that lead people to assume one way or the other. In chat it would be the user name, in a forum the avatar too. Your name is Laika, who was a female dog and your portrait has a lgbt flag, so any reasonable person would assume to use she. It's just like one's real name and appearance in real life. People feel weird about adding a gender tag, because the irl equivalent would be tattooing your gender on your face. When it comes to greetings it feels extreme to get offended at something playful like boys/dudes/girls. Being misgendered is obviously unpleasant. When someone does it on purpose it is offensive. There are gonna be respectful people and there are gonna be pieces of shit beyond reason. People ARE gonna make mistakes sometimes and it should be ok if they correct themselves. Living in fear of that happening should not be a thing, that is not a healthy mindset. I think one easy step is for people that really care about this to make sure their username reflects their identity well and is not ambiguous.

6oliath 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

It's weird to me that what should be normal in human communication is something we are trying to circumvent. Obviously it is not acceptable to be purposefully misgendering people with malicious intent. At the same time it seems pretty obvious that in a forum most of the time you won't know what people are so you use 'them'. If something about their name or avatar really seems to indicate something you can absolutely assume, just like you can from their appearance in person. That's not a crime, its completely normal, since it is accurate almost always. Yes, sometimes you will be wrong, but then if they point it out, you take not of it and remember for the future. And if you tell me that you identify as a tractor you need to be prepared for me to inevitably tell you to go plough yourself. I understand that for people that are transitioning that may be disconcerting, but you cannot be outright offended by default. You can not expect everybody to switch to introducing themselves with their gender identity, sexual orientation, religious views, nationality, etc. just so that people don't assume the wrong thing. Socializing is by nature not always something comfortable. There are gonna be awkward situations, but that is ok.

Hako 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

Isn't the whole point that it shouldn't matter what gender anyone is, especially for something completely unrelated like speedrunning? This would only invite trolling and achieve nothing. I don't give a fuck what anyone is or what they identify as.

soru, CriscoWild 3 其他 喜欢这个
BulgariaTalicZealot4 years ago

You can see it at 6 seconds , it is the channel linked in your profile.

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