
Take it slowly, this book is dangerous Ready?

Knox in box Fox in socks Knox on fox in socks in box Socks on Knox and Knox in box Fox in socks on box on knox Chicks with bricks come Chicks with blocks come Chicks with bricks and blocks and clocks come Let's do tricks with bricks and blocks, sir Let’s do tricks with chicks and clocks sir

First I'll make a quick trick brick stack. (Brick stack?) Then I'll make a quick trick block stack. (Block stack) You can make a quick trick chick stack You can make a quick trick clock stack (look sir, Mr. Knox sir.) And here’s a new trick, Mr. Knox Socks on chicks and chicks on fox Fox on clocks on bricks and blocks Bricks and blocks on Knox on box Now we come to ticks and tocks, sir Try to say this Mr. Knox, sir Clocks on fox tick Clocks on fox tock Six sick Bricks tick Six sick Chicks tock

Please, sir I don't like this trick, sir My tongue isn't quick or slick, sir I get all those ticks and clocks, sir Mixed up with the chicks and tocks, sir I can't do it, Mr. Fox, sir I'm so sorry, Mr. Knox, sir Here's an easy game to play Here's an easy thing to say New socks Two socks Whose socks? Sue's socks Who sews whose socks? Sue sews Sue’s socks Who sees who sews whose new socks, sir? That’s not easy Mr. Fox, sir

Who comes? Crow comes Joe slow crow comes (God damn it!) Who sews crow's clothes? Sue sews Crow’s clothes. (That one's hard.) Sue sews socks of fox in socks now Slow Joe Crow sews knox in box now. (Uhh?...)

Knox in box Fox in socks Knox on fox in socks in box Socks on Knox and Knox in box Fox in socks on box on knox Chicks with bricks come Chicks with blocks come Chicks with bricks and blocks and clocks come Let's do tricks with bricks and blocks, sir Let's do tricks with chicks and clocks sir

Mr. Knox sir, what a shame sir This is real! It’s real! I'm not gonna finish it; it's too long It's like really long. It goes on for like, a little bit

Pop on Rocks
Current Physics
Game Version
In-Game Time
0m 30s 991ms
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago