At what time should my PB be to learn each trick?
2 years ago

Like, I know it is recommended to learn DSS when you have a 1:01 I think. Same for the rest, when is it recommended to learn each of them?

I saw this Getting Over It "skill progression timeline" thing and I wondered if there is a SMO Any% equivalent.

United Kingdom

I don't think there's a exact time at which you should learn specific strats, more just when you feel the timesave is worth the potential dead runs due to said trick. However, I wouldn't recommend learning DSS until you have subhour / are going for it. People tend to implement most strats around the mid 0x range, at least the ones you see done by most intermediate runners of the game, like scoot clip and nut clip. Sub 1:10 you can definitely get just by having good movement, and the longer you can go without adding 'tricks', the better imo

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Ok, thank you! :)

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