Submitting segmented runs
3 years ago
Queensland, Australia

Hey all,

I only just started speed running last week for the first time ever and decided to pick Portal 2 as my game of choice. Last night I got a time for Chapter 1 and 2 I'm pretty happy with (Considering it's been only a week: ).

I've setup SAR and I seem to know how to use it but I mostly just time with LiveSplit as I'm just practicing. I've read the resources and watched a few videos (Can't even's, etc) but I'm still a little confused about how to upload times.

Firstly, can I just upload say my chapter one times or do the level leaderboards take the best segments from full run submissions?

Secondly, I've read a few places that a demo timer isn't needed for anything under the top 10 / 20, is this correct?

Thanks for any help!

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
Seattle, WA, USA

To answer the first question, you can indeed submit just chapter one times, but you can also submit the chapters from a full run, either one is accepted. As for the second question, I'm not sure, but I think that is true. However, I've found that once you figure it out, recording demos is more convenient than a video, and causes less lag during the run (though this only really matters if you play on a potato like me)

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
nicap 喜欢这个
Queensland, Australia

Ahh ok awesome, thanks for the reply! So you just submit a chapter time the same as a full run? Also, just to confirm (Bit of a stupid question) every submission requires a video / demo to be reviewed right?

Once again, thanks!

United States
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

One thing that's unrelated but I think is good information to know, unless you already do: The reason the splits are like that is due to subsplits. I'm pretty sure they're optional. In order to either get rid of the dashes (-) and braces (curly brackets), or turn them into subsplits (assuming you want either, it's fine to just have them as is), you either:

  1. Right click on Livesplit
  2. Go into "Edit Splits"
  3. Go through each split and delete the markings and text inside the braces (curly brackets) that indicate the split the subsplits are in (a bit tedious, so yeah).

OR, what I recommend personally:

  1. Right click on Livesplit
  2. Go into "Edit Layout"
  3. Press the plus sign button on the left of the box that pops up, go to the "List" option, and choose "Subsplits."
  4. Edit them however you like, ranging from options similar to regular splits, to subsplit specific options.

If you knew all of this, I'm eternally sorry, just thought I'd try and let you know. If you're ok with how it is now without proper subsplits and with the markings, again, you don't have to, just letting you know.

nicap 喜欢这个
Queensland, Australia

Hey Bain8renn, thanks for the reply.

I spent the first 2 days after deciding to get into speed running trying to get my head around LiveSplit so it's very handy to have someone know what they are talking about give some info haha.

I did try adding subsplits myself but I wanted it as I've seen on Can't Even's and the other streamers. They have the chapters, then the subsplits intended into the chapters.

The splits I'm using there are the ones from the resource page from Can't Even (Blank splits). I was using submitted splits (Around the 2.5 - 3hr mark) but I was getting confused what were my times and what were the original runners times. I'd get a rainbow time but then when I reset and updated, the rainbow time would disappear and the original time would stay in the split (EG: The split I was using had a 17:40 Chapter one. I got it down to ~15min but after updating the splits it still said the best was 17:40.)

After using the blank splits, it seems to be working more the way I would have expected.

Queensland, Australia

I should have tried that layout tip before I replied -.- - Thank you! Much better haha.

Is there a way to make it longer though so I can see more splits without waiting for it to scroll? - Never mind, worked it out!

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
Queensland, Australia

One last question, "NOTE: Assigning multiple action commands to a single key is banned (Exceptions are made for +remote_view)".... Does this mean my sensitivity toggle bind is not allowed? :P

bind i "toggle sensitivity x y"


Toggle binds are allowed and used by a lot of runners so dont worry, feel free to use it :)

nicap 喜欢这个
New AMC Proof Requirements!

From now on, for top 50 times, both partners must submit their demos. As such, it will also be required for to submit any .vpks that are used during the runs. If you have any questions, you can join our discord @ or you can create a forum post here.

The rules site has also gotten

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