A quick update - July 2018
5 years ago

Hey everyone.

Just typing in a quick post informing about some stuff that have been going around here.

--- Leaderboard Optimization

First off, a few days ago we went ahead and condensed the 48 Tracks and 32 Tracks categories, from 4 tabs to 2. The main intent of this was to reduce clutter as well as to help keep leaderboard interaction consistent by including the Item selector that was present in all other categories.

This was accomplished by moving all runs within those categories into a new leaderboard, so if you saw any notifications related to old runs being verified, this was likely the cause of it.

--- 32 Tracks "changes"

Recently, 32 Tracks briefly underwent an odd name change that was caught on the radar by some users. The main idea was to help create some clarification on the current category, which originally came from the Wii U version as a means for non-DLC users to compete on.

Such information, like the run's start and end point, as well as the Wii U origin tidbit, have now been added to the category's rules instead, preserving the category name as it was before.

Additionally, all categories have received minor revisions to their Rules sections for a little extra clarity.

--- New Misc. Leaderboards

As of today, a Shine Thief leaderboard has been added to the Misc. tab.

Yes, the 150cc/200cc selector makes no sense, but sadly it can't be removed for the time being. Weirdness aside, I hope this serves as a nice enough alternative for players out there!

There might be other experimental Misc categories coming up soon(tm), so stay tuned for those. :P

--- Other Stuff

The Discord server link has also been added to the sidebar menu. Easier access now.

That's all from me now. Thanks for reading!

编辑者 作者 5 years ago
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