Newest Old Tutorial Glitchless strats and how to do them
Newest Old Tutorial Glitchless strats and how to do them
更新时间 5 years ago

Hi everybody! I've been running Any% Old Tutorial World Glitchless for quite some time now (over 5 months) and I want to share some newer strats in the category + how to do them along with how much time it saves:


[Snowman's Snowballs]

Time save: 2-3 secs How to do it: After grabbing the Stone Pickaxe make your way over to the iron golem and snow golem tutorial. Get the 2 snow blocks inside the chest. After, place the snow blocks down and mine with the shovel. Also, make sure to mine 4 dirt blocks when you mine the snow blocks so you can mine out of the end starting area!


[Aggro Dragon]

Time save: {ESTIMATE} 3+ secs How to do it: In the end when the dragon flies up off of the center and you have to stop hitting the dragon for a while, there is a way you can keep damaging it. Simply elytra and firework up to the dragon flying around, then try to hit it at least 1-2 times. Firework to the dragon again, and repeat until the dragon goes to the center of the End.


Thank you for reading!


Regarding Glide Leaderboards

Hey this is Alexis, and after some debating, it has come to my sense that I will close the Glide Leaderboards for good. The leaderboards will still remain, but runs will no longer be accepted. If you want to submit your runs, refer to the Glide Discord Server here:

We hop

8 months ago
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