Timer glitch guide
5 years ago

Please post here your questions and advice in rapport with the timer glitch and his guide.

DracaarysTrophy 喜欢这个
Centre, France

What is it ? Is it on mobile?


Nope. Sorry for you guys BibleThump That's a Steam only glitch.

DracaarysTrophy 喜欢这个

Shouldn´t then PS and Switch have their own category. It seems unfair to me that there is an 1 second saving glitch in absolutely every stage. Also there are some stages where you can save even more that one second. I really hope a new sub-category to become to existence.

I´m from Spain so if there´s any mistakes I´m sorry.

编辑者 作者 5 years ago

... I have already explain that. Just do it again ^^ Does games have separated category for every platform ? Super Meat Boy for exemple ? No. Why ? Because PC is just slightly faster. That's why. Look at the right, you've a filter, so you can choose platforms. And the game is THE SAME for PC, Switch and PS. But not for Android/iOS and Web, that's why I splited them.

"It seems unfair to me that there is an 1 second saving glitch in absolutely every stage" That's not true. Look at 5-1 for exemple.

If you want to, I can switch everything to RTA (no unfair thing), but IGT will not change. That's all I can propose.



I thought about it, sorry you're right @Fodtrex. I will do it as soon as possible, but you'll have to move yourself your runs, sorry. EDIT : done.

编辑者 作者 5 years ago