Survey on
4 years ago
United States

Hello everyone, I'm here to humbly ask of your time to answer this short survey, it should not take more than 5 minutes of your time. All responses will remain anonymous and will only be used to provide information for my research. The responses will be used to identify's demographics and help address my proposed research question about the impacts of and streaming on the speedrunning community and more specifically Thank you in advance for your time and effort!

Google forms link:

Any questions please feel free to send me a private message or reply to the thread.

Xcvazer, Caidren 2 其他 喜欢这个
United States

Survey responses close on Wednesday, March 25th! Thank you for all the responses so far!

What is this research used for?

New York, USA

If I had to guess, I'd say the responses will be used to identify's demographics and help address his proposed research question about the impacts of and streaming on the speedrunning community and more specifically But who knows? I just pulled that out of thin air TBH. I don't know this guy.


@CriscoWild I see you're still up to your usual antics.

To be more specific and avoid completely unnecessary pedantry, @Nickx do you intend to publish this research somewhere? Is it a school project? Just personal curiosity? What is the purpose of all this?

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
Nickx, Mokmoon123 2 其他 喜欢这个
United States

@ShikenNuggets, school project. It might be published to the university's library catalog if I go through the process of getting it revised and approved. Other than that yea it was pretty much personal curiosity combined with a school project that led me to this research topic.