Should you continue a run if its going to be higher than your PB?
3 years ago

Just an opinion question. Do you think if you're 100% sure your time is going to be worse than your PB, should you continue or reset? I'd say you should reset, but I'd like to hear what you people think.


Personally, if I'm at the end of a run and I know it's impossible for me to pb, I'll probably just finish the run since I'm very close to the end anyway and I need some of that late-game practice. But if the time lost is in the early/middle stages of the game, I'll reset

The only time I would reset at the end is when I'm confident that I had enough late-game practice or if I'm seriously grinding for a pb

Walgrey Pear 喜欢这个
United States

Ah, one of the eternal questions of speedrunning: to reset, or not to reset.

For me, this both kinda depends on the game I'm running, and how far in the run I am. If I'm in the final stretch, I'm usually against resetting even if it's not going to PB... unless the end of the run's really intense and I can't be bothered.

Some games are more suited for slamming that reset button, others just aren't. And sometimes, I'm just running for fun and I don't really care if it PBs or not.

Ivory, Symystery 4 其他 喜欢这个

yeah, it depends a lot on the situation, the game and how far into you are. Also there is no "right" answer, it's all personal preference in the end anyway. Especially if you are relatively new to the run or the end game is very hard in general, it's always a good idea to just finish it and get some practice in. It happens often enough to people that they reset so much that they never get to the endgame and are far more likely to make mistakes there, so doing it a bit more often can help. It can also sometimes feel good just to finish a run, especially if you usually reset a lot, sometimes it's the little things to get your mood up ;-) On the other side, if you are in a heavy grind, it can just be wasted time you could rather put in new attempts, mostly when you are experienced enough in the game anyway.

Another factor is the length of the run. On a 2 hour run people tend to play it out when they are decently far, on a 15 minute game it's quick getting back there anyway. Or maybe some people see it the other way around, on a 2 hour run they rather reset cause it would waste more time. As you can see you can always see it both ways :D

Jönköping, Sweden

the answer is both yes and no, depending on whom you are as a runner. There's really no right pick, as much as just personal preference.


late last year i started to do no resets only + hiding splits from my self and speedrunning became much more fun. though i might still occasionally reset at first or second split if i do something super stupid and embarassing

Ivory, Intuition 4 其他 喜欢这个
United States

Hiding splits does tend to make it more fun, yeah. Although, sometimes I put route notes in the splits so I can't really afford to on some games.

It really is a lot nicer without the split times bearing down on you though.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

i generally only use splits if i really need to keep track of the time (when rng can lead to much time loss and kill runs) but everywhere else i just do runs, and you get a feeling. basically see every run as practise for the next.

so just finish it, exept there are hours to go.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

@O.D.W. i dont really need route notes but i hide my splits by putting notepad on top of it so if i had to have notes id have them there :P and i do always leave the left side "open" so i can see the split image to know that i havent forgotten a split

Kentucky, USA

reset early reset often - you can finish bad runs evey once in a while just to keep motivation though