Fable TLC - Any% LV 1 Spells (Old No Upgrades) Notes by CleanSera
Fable TLC - Any% LV 1 Spells (Old No Upgrades) Notes by CleanSera
更新时间 5 years ago Etem


These notes assume some knowledge of the Any% route. If you are not familiar with it, I suggest watching a Guide or runs.

Childhood - Wasp Menace Same as Any%

Bowerstone Do Buy/Sell as Any%, but skip the Ages of Might Potion

Guild Grab Protect Orchard and Boast

Lookout Point Skip the Ages of Skill Potion

Orchard Farm Any% strats for 12 Combat Multiplier (CM) You need ~6200 Experience for spells.

Greatwood Cullis Gate Free 6 slots on hotbar and warp to Guild

Guild Take Trader Escort Learn Multistrike, Force Push, Slow Time, Summon, Berserk, and Multi Arrow

Greatwood Cullis Gate Try to convert Summon creature to a Hobbe/Bandit, if there are none, do it at Greatwood Caves

Darkwood Entrance Say no to infected trader I personally Lightning the 2 barrels for Red Meat and Will Potion

Ancient Cullis Gate Chest before bridge for safety Res Phial.

Darkwood Weir Earth Troll Anniversary Heroic Batta strats.

Barrow Fields If dusk, sleep til day. If not, continue on. Wait for Assassin Rush to be usable to go into Oakvale, else spell lock

Oakvale Buy/Sell Perfumes twice, then Emeralds to 120k, buy Health and Will Potions, buy Res Phials, buy food

The Clifftop Path Summon clip the gate

Abandoned Road Skip Ages of Skill Potion Get to Twinblade's, warp to Guild

Guild Buy/Sell Sell Ebony Longbow, buy Master Longbow, Master Greatsword, Will Potions, Health Potions, and Res Phials

Twinblade's Camp Summon Clip gate, kill Summon creature after success, skip Ages of Will Potion, Summon Clip to Elite Camp

Twinblade's Elite Camp Kill Summon creature, skip Ages of Might Potion, Summon Clip to Twinblade's Tent

Twinblade - Berserk before Twinblade stabs the ground and let nearby bandits hit you for increased damage When Twinblade stabs the ground, use Slow Time, 1 Multistrike 1, plus 2 normal hits.

Witchwood Cullis Gate Skip Ages of Will Potion

Witchwood Stones Summon Clip Demon Door to Archaeologist Go to Knothole Glade, warp to Guild

Guild Take White Balverine quest, warp to Knothole Glade

White Balverine - Knothole Glade Kill 4 Balverines outside the gate, it will probably take more than 1 shot depending on how long you have to pull the arrow back. Lightning the WB like in Any%, hit to disrupt howl animation Apply Augmentation Master Longbow - (Silver, Empty, Empty) Silver Augment Dupe - warp out of KHG, hit left click to reload. Just go back through the quest again. Apply Augmentation Master Longbow - (Silver, Silver, Empty)

White Balverine - Witchwood Lake Fully pulled back shot should 1 shot White Balverine Wait until all empty howl cutscenes have played before warping to KHG.

Guild Grab Arena quest, warp back to KHG and go to the Arena.

Arena Waiting Room Buy Augments from Trader (Sharpening x2, Piercing, and Silver), and buy potions and Rez Phials. Apply Augmentations Master Longbow - (Silver, Silver, Silver) Master Greatsword - (Sharp, Sharp, Pierce)

Arena - Use Force Push to cancel humanoid/Wasp death animations Wasps Berserk + simple melee Hobbes Berserk + Multistrike Balverines Medium shots for normal ones, medium-full shots for White Balverines. Undead Use the bow here as well. Medium shots for the small ones, full power shots for the big ones. Bandits Berserk + Multistrike Earth Trolls Berserk + Multistrike Rock Trolls Berserk + Multistrike + Assassin Rush to keep the trolls from jumping (Any% strat) Use Slow Time to allow for more damage done without getting knocked down by the other Troll. Arachanox Berserk + Multistrike, try your best not to let him eat all of your Rez Phials Whisper Berserk + Timed Multistrike hits to keep her stun locked until her grenade throwing phase, let her start throwing a grenade then rush and go for the "kill". If she starts in grenade phase, go ham with the timed hits. Leave, skip cutscenes.

Arena Entrance Warp to Barrow Fields, go to Grey House. Warp to Guild.

Guild Take Rescue Archaeologist, warp to Bowerstone South.

Bowerstone Go to Northern district, Sell Master Greatsword, Buy Solus Greatsword, buy Will Potions, go to Rescue Archaeologist.

Windmill Hill Summon Clip barrier if you are a god, otherwise, kill Minion Summoner to dispell the barrier as intended

Prison Path Basically a Minion Gauntlet. Prioritize the Dreadwings, then kill the melee ones. Warp to Guild, and Warp back.

Lychfield Graveyard Same as Any%

Cliffside Path Kill Nymph before reaching the big Undead.

Prison Same as Any%

Kraken Tentacle Phase 1 Dodge the slams, Berserk melee/Multistrike the tentacles. Face Phase 1 Preferably Multi Arrow shots at full strength, but normal full strength shots will do. Dodge his blast. #MomBestTank Tentacle Phase 2 Repeat of first one, Tentacles just have more health. Face Phase 2 Rinse and repeat.

Barrow Fields Go to Ancient Cullis Gate.

Ancient Cullis Gate Kill Undead with bow.

Hook Coast Buy Will Potions from Trader, then go to ruined abbey, warp to Guild.

Return to Hook Coast Timed Berserk + Multistrike hits to stun lock him. He will likely teleport, don't stress it too much.

Try to Stop Jack of Blades Same as Any%

Jack 1 Same as Rescue Archaeologist, kill Dreadwings first, then melee ones. Jack's Ground Phase Berserk + Multistrike, use Assassin Rush to close distance when he uses his wave attack until air phase. Jack's Air Phase Multi Arrow strats, dodge his wave attack (CAN STILL CHARGE BOW SHOTS WHILE ROLLING). When he channels, hug the stone pillars. Kill Theresa.

Oakvale Memorial Garden Wait for auto-save, skip cutscene, warp to Guild, go to Lookout Point. Equip Solus Greatsword. Sleep for potions if necessary. Talk to Demon Door.

Prophets of the Fire Heart Same as Any%

Ship of the Drowned Berserk + Multistrike the summoners down. Assassin Rush can be used like it was on Rock Trolls in Arena as well as for invincibility frames.

Lost Bay Berserk + Multstrike Ice Troll, go to Snowspire. Warp to Archon's Shrine.

Necropolis RNG digging.

Necropolis - Summoners + Minions Berserk + Multistrike + Assassin Rush, prioritize Summoners. Warp to Snowspire, go speak to Scythe, double auto-save, warp to Archon's Shrine. Warp to Knothole Glade.

Thunder Stun lock with Berserk + Multistrike. His signature Thunder move can be interrupted with an Arrow shot. Warp to Archon's Shrine.

Briar Berserk + Multistrike Warp to Guild, then warp to Lychfield Graveyard. Go to Circle of the Dead.

Nostro Kill lesser Undead to make Nostro damageable. Stagger Multi Arrow charges to allow maximum damage on Nostro: i.e., Undead, Nostro, Undead, Nostro Don't rush this, the window of opportunity is sufficient for a fully charged shot after killing an Undead. Warp to Archon's Shrine. Go to Archon's Folly.

The Final Battle Keep Berserk up as often as possible when damage is a real threat. Berserk + Multistrike face phase, basically wait until face phases to try doing any damage to him. You can use the bow in the phases where he lands off to the side, but it's insanely difficult to get any off because of Minions and his own attacks.


2/22/16: added YouTube links for "Batta strat" demonstration, KJFreshly's WR, and KJFreshly's Any% Guide. also corrected a few errors.
5/5/16: edited Solus Greatsword into the route and adjusted recommended gold amount after Oakvale Buy/Sell.
6/10/16: added the Silver Augment Dupe strat, Slow Time into the spells learned before Trader Escort, and a YouTube link for the Twinblade strat. Also corrected a few errors.
8/6/16: corrected the link to KJFreshly's current WR run, and added a recommendation for Slow Time on Rock Trolls in Arena.
8/7/17: corrected the link to KJFreshly's current Any% WR run.